Saturday, December 22, 2007

Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus

* An aside, this blog isn't going to end, its just tough to post partly because of a "lack of identity" of the blog and I always had the possibility that anyone could be reading and I want them to take away positive things from reading here. Anyways...

Onto the topic at hand. So what is it about? Lets go back and remember a time when Christmas rolled around and despite the excitement, we wondered, "is Santa Claus real?" So naturally we would go to the ultimate authority of everything in the universe, our parents, to resolve this holiday crisis. In this case, 8 year old Virginia asked her father this question. The father then decided to test the matter with another ultimate authority of everything in the universe, the New York Sun question and answer column. He liked to say that that ever the New York Sun prints, it is so.

Thats where the title of this post comes into play, as it refers to a famous line from an editorial published in 1897. You can read the editorial here. I think its tremendous of Francis Church to actually answer this question in a widely circulated publication.

I took a few things out of the article, but for me one of the main points is that believing and living through only what you can use your 5 senses can only be so much of life. In a way, you bind yourself from living the fullest life possible. I imagine a great majority of people believe in things that transcend our 5 senses such as faith and love.

I'll finish by saying that I would compare this to the character of Tinker Bell from Peter Pan. Tinker Bell's existence is in danger if not enough people believe in fairies. I think this case fits Santa as well, so for his sake, I believe in Santa Claus!