Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Non Weekend-Update Weekend Update

I have no idea what to talk about really and thats why I haven't blogged in ages. Right now I'm forcing myself to update something, anything! The title refers to the attempt I made at trying to blog over the weekend, and it would have coincided with the youtube videos on the SNL skits Weekend Update (which I'll take down later on and replace with something else later on).

Anyways, just to update on what I've been up to. I'm working at the city where I get driven around to deliver city flyers. Hopefully when that is done there is an opening at a landscaping job they have. I'm also still working once a week at Sears as they're hurting for staff and could probably use someone for those busy Saturdays. It just keeps me productive when I would probably just sleep the day away.

I'm also taking an intermediate accounting course at NAIT right now in the evenings and it runs 6:15-9:30pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. It has been okay, but I think I messed up a bit on the midterm. That kinda sucks because it should have been all the stuff I knew. Oh well...

Its kinda nice to be so busy so that when I waste time, its okay, I'm "resting". Actually, I guess it doesn't really make it okay, but whatever! Actually, I've kinda been contemplating a "finance" blog where I could try to sum up a bit on what I've learned about investing, saving, and so on. Its been interesting to me and I kind of want to blog it, but it could end up being really boring. Well, if I don't get to it, the two magic sites are www.investopedia.com and www.stockhouse.com.