Wednesday, October 19, 2005

There She Is!!!

Yay for blogs that just won't die! I find typing up entries really difficult, but I guess I'll keep plugging away at it. Its only been a few years. Supposedly keeping some sort of journal is good for self reflection, which is in turn good good for you because it allows you to something something. Whatever.

So a few days ago I started my first fieldwork placement. I have been placed in a long term care facility and so far its been a good experience. Hey wait a second, that sentence doesn't seem right. Well, you know what I mean. Anyways, my preceptor is super nice and I think I'm pretty lucky to have this person right off the bat. In general, the staff is great and add the fact that I got to stay in Edmonton I have a good situation. The only possible stressor for me at this moment is all my assignments that are based on this placement. My University courses thought it would be a good idea to give us assignments and have us work on it during placement.

As for the placement itself, I don't think I will go into much detail about it. However, I will list some observations real quick:
- Wow, the stuff you learn in school is important!
- It is a suprise how much consideration needs to be taken when getting a wheelchair for someone.
- I can't imagine having to worry about being still in one place too long because a pressure sore might occur. (Basically, sustained pressure on an area of the body can cause an ulcer to the skin.)This ties in with the previous point because this is something that can happen due to sitting still in a wheelchair for too long.
- Bowel and bladder control! An embarassing topic but a vital topic in a person's well being. In fact, I've come across a video of someone with a spinal cord injury who would prefer control over those things rather than be able to walk...
- There are lots of small victories that can mean so much to the client. Something like being able to comb your hair again can be a huge deal.

Okay, enough of that.

Now, onto something differet. Hm... oh crap! Just recalled that on Saturday there is a birthday party! Its kinda neat there is a theme to it. The theme is to.... rock out! Come out dressed as a rock star! Hehe, so far I've thought of stealing my brother's mask he has been working on, wearing a long wig, and throwing on a KFC bucket onto my head. Then voila! You've got Buckethead! Well, it would be pretty damn funny.

Lastly, while reading Maggie's blog I found the paragraph about her cousin Lewis absolutely hilarious. Maggie if you get to read this, first check out this flash called "There she is!!!." Click watch movie. Its probably the most enjoyable flash movie I've ever seen. Watch its sequel too. Now, if you choose to check out the rest of the site, well.... yeah.. your cousin could very easily have found something not suitable at all.

But yay for a flash movie about a rabbit and a cat...

Rock out!