Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Blogging sure is hard. I want to blog, but sometimes the things you want to blog don't seem like much of anything. Then, you reflect back on your day and its full of stuff like "Today, I played Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga and collected all 4 pieces of the Bean Star! Now I need to figure out how to cross the water..."
Anyways, I'll start with whats recent. On boxing day our family decided to pick up a new T.V. A Samsung 43' DLP tv! Yay! It also came with a DVD player. We also have a Gamecube system now, the Logitech laser cordless mouse, and some other electronic doo dads. At first we got the TV from Futureshop, but then opted to get the same TV from Costco instead. Originally at Futureshop the TV was purchased and was also supposed to be delivered to our house (syntax here gets a grade of B!). My mom goes in and cancels the purchase, and the salesman who processed the transaction comes out. The way my mom tells it, he comes out and starts asking "Your returning the (undelivered, so technically not returning) TV? How come?!?! Whats wrong? Is somewhere else cheaper??" Then my mom goes, oh no we just want a Sony TV now. In fact, they (me and my dad) are over in that section. So the salesman runs over to where Sony TV section, and my mom runs out of Futureshop. My dad and I were of course in the van ready for the getaway. :S
I still gotta clean the living room up to what I want. Of course, I've been saying this since September.
Apperently on Sunday night(Or Monday..? that was some get together thingy. Well, I didn't know a lot about what was going on anyways, and didn't feel like having to bum a ride off someone.
It seems that there has been a whole bunch of Texas Hold 'em Poker nights lately. I just learned the game, and its fun. Well, at least when you're winning. It's great because you can get a lot of people playing at once. Now I can actually watch the poker games on TV. Sadly, I can see why poker has gained popularity. But one thing I will say about the game is that I will never play it with real money on the line. Plastic chips? That's cool. The stake of losing is to sit and watch everyone else play and twiddle your thumbs, and cry about how you got bluffed out by a pair of 3's. Real money? It is too easy to risk and lose so much. Its a lot of anguish that many people around have to deal with. I wouldn't want to inflict that upon my family and friends.
Its almost 2005, and I'll have to think of some resolutions. First, I'll think of some. Then I'll establish reasonable and realistic (ever do that in an essay? List two words like that that mean the same thing??) plans to attain them.
Or I'll pig out on chips.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
It seems so weird to be finished all my exams. There were times when I thought I had a decent amount of time to do things, and other times when someone just randomly chopped off an hour. Anyone ever notice that writing final exams is like getting sexually assaulted? Especially since everyone keeps saying “damn it, I sucked ass on that exam”, “that test totally raped me”, or something like “that test was like, totally f**king gay!!” Anyways, exams are over and I know there is no use in thinking about it anymore but it is not out of my system yet. I’m too worried about the ramifications of the marks. I’m sure everyone is aware of how monotonous it sounds complaining about anything exam related, but damn it it sucks!!
Anyhoo, its Christmas break. Yeehaw! Tomorrow… well today, but whatever (I started this last night), my family is gonna spend a night at the Fantasyland hotel at WEM. We wanted to go somewhere, but were too lazy to pack and travel. Seriously, that’s a lot of work to end up “relaxing.” You end up traveling how far to sleep in a motel?! Or how much you end up sleeping during travel time. Not to mention that I think my parents (by that, I mean my dad) didn’t to miss any Best Buy deals for boxing day. Of course, it’s a number of factors such as it’s the holiday season and flights are busy like KrAzY. Or driving somewhere in the winter isn’t the same because my dad isn’t at the same capacity to do it anymore.
Wow, Microsoft word keeps correcting what I type.
What has been cheering me up lately is that I keep humming and singing various Christmas carols to myself. The problem is, I don’t remember a lot of the words. For example:
“… then one foggy Christmas Eve, Santa came to say
Rudolph with your nose so bright, won’t you guide my sleight tonight?
Then all the other reindeer… …..??......!??!”
Dammit, I don’t even know if that’s right. Whats next?! For some reason, I don’t want to look it up. I want to remember it. Its in my head somewhere, I know it, I swear!!
Yeah, there isn't much else for me to say. So Happy Holidays!
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Well I'm going to follow the tradition of everyone else with the blogging before studying thing. Yay. First with good news! I got some Edmonton Road Runners hockey tickets vs. the Hamilton Bulldogs for Dec. 20. We basically sit next to the visitors bench! Normall y these tickets are $39, but the EIG decided to buy all the tickets and resell them for charity at $4 each. The downside is me and Keith don't actually next to each other, we actually sit with one of us a row below and in front of the other (so rows 1 and 2). But they are aisle seats anyways, so its gonna be cool to be sitting up against the glass in a hockey game.
In regards to everyone who's weighed in on the whole exams and what they've done... its my turn! I feel like I've sabotaged myself but all I can do now is study (...err.. in a minute!) and learn from it for the future.
Monday, November 22, 2004
On the weekend, our family went to dim sum at Good Buddy with my mom's friend. My moms friends name is Francis, and her daughter is Grace. Their family just recently moved here to Edmonton. Yay!! I don't know if they've ever experienced winters before, but come December they are in for a suprise!

Here is a picture of us at our house. Isn't she cute?! Yeah, in she wouldn't smile in any of the pictures. But like all little kids (that aren't yours) her smiles would just melt you.

Anyways, it is almost December which means finals! As the semester nears an end, I kinda look back at the courses I've taken. By the way, has anyone started studying for finals? It is so not gonna be fun. I was supposed to be catching up this week, but yeah hasn't happened yet. >=( I better change that very soon.
I had intended this blog to be longer, but the rest of what I would say wouldn't flow well. Not that it usually does, but I'm gonna post this now rather than later. (=
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
So when do we get to say its the holiday season!? Its almost Christmas!!!
Anyways, at the moment I feel pretty rejuvenated. Yay for Project Halo 2! It was a good time, although anytime you got stuck on the small T.V. you just had to fight the urge to complain. After all, its not like most of us brought a TV. Yes, it was a week ago that PH2 happened, but how often does it happen? Major kudos to Ryan for setting this thing up! The days that we can get that many people for events like that are slowly dwindling. It hasn't gotten to that point where back in high school everyone was writing "good luck on the rest of your life and may you reach your dreams etc..." Meaning, we haven't all yet gone completely on our own paths. But it does seem that I only see certain people whenever we have a certain event to hang out. Or if I randomly happen upon someone while taking a bus. Otherwise I wouldn’t be seeing a lot of people.
In other news, motivation has seemingly hit an all time low. I've been hitting emotional ups and downs throughout the week, being angry for a moment, then trying to play X-mas songs on the piano. Anyways, I remember Vic saying during Dev's one acts back in high school how sometimes its just a feeling of the world against you. Thats the bottom line, and its very powerful. Perhaps you should know better, but that doesn't make you feel better. Which leads me to the movie Dodgeball. Vince Vaughn's character is going to skip out on a championship dodgeball game. He's feeling down in the dumps, and is the captain of his team. Rather than turning to his teammates, he takes the easy way out ("You may not know what $50 000 looks like in real life... it sorta looks like this..") and tries to catch a flight at the airport. While there, he meets up with none other than Lance Armstrong who despite facing multiple cancers manages to win the Tour de France a record 6th time in a row! "But hey, I'm sure you've got a good reason to quit."
Yeah, that had a lot more relevance in my head than how it appears. Anyways, bottom line for me is that its okay to feel down in the dumps, everyones been there. Just don't beat yourself up for feeling that way as well. We've got a good network of friends who are definitely willing to be a shoulder to lean on. That itself is a very reassuring thing. Thanks to those that you made that very clear a month ago.
Now to end off on a more positive note. What is your favourite Christmas carol? Mine is Winter Wonderland! If you don't have one, or don't even like Christmas... well I really don't know what to say to that.
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Thursday, November 11, 2004
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
- John McCrae
Monday, November 01, 2004
Another month bites the dust and onto November, the month before Christmas. So what has happened lately? Well, yet again I'm putting off reading for my midterms. Man, I'm so smart. Considering that I did relatively poorly on my last midterm, you'd think I'd just be kicking myself to get moving. Hm... I'm hungry, I should eat some chips.
Yay for Christmas! I'm actually looking forward to it this time. I've actually been feeling like a grinch for the past few years. I didn't really like Christmas past the "I get stuff" before, and I just hated the commercial aspect of it. I think I have changed my tune though. X-Mas should be the season where you don't look forward to it because you get school off, its because its the time of the year you gotta remember whats important. You could argue that it shouldn't take Christmas to do it, but its the one part of the year dedicated to making you feel a spirit of some sort. Treat Christmas right, and you'll have a good time. By the way, Delia and I broke up...
I couldn't really think of another way to put it out or let it be known. Ah well. I do miss her and feel sad, but it seems for a while this was where we were going. At times, I wonder if we should have tried harder or not, but I think this is the best decision for now. We've been a lot friendlier in the times we've talked in a very long time. We did agree though, at the very beginning when we went out, that no matter what, we would at the very least stay friends. I'm happy to say that that has happened. There are no ill feelings (although she's keeping one of my sweaters... :S). Yeah, she does have a part of me for life now, we spent too much time together. For me, it doesn't hurt to look back at our memories, I like to remind myself of our time. She'll always mean a lot to me and I hope she knows that.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
For the rest of my life I would have to satisfy myself by playing in Old-Timers games. The first Old-tmers game I played in was in Stamford, Connecticut, at the Dorothy Hamill Arena. Gordie Howe, Bobby Hull, and I all played. Gordie was fifty-two and Hull forty-two. We were playing against college guys who could skate pretty well, young guys, lawyers and stockbrokers in their twenties and thirties.
I mean, these guys were flying. Gordie and I were sitting on the bench, and Gordie said, "Jesus, these guys can skate."
"I know," I said. "goddamn, they are getting a little too serious."
Gordie said, "Yeah, they are. We've got to talk to them."
Gordie and I went out onto the ice, and I heard him say to one of the young guys, "Hey take it easy son. Slow down. You don't want to embarrass us old guys."
The guy said, "What's the matter, old timer? Can't keep up?"
The puck dropped, and I sent it over to Bobby, and out of the corner of my eye I could see Gordie whacking the guy who had taunted him.
Whack! Smack! Boom! Bang! The guy went down and he started moaning, "Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus."
Gordie said, "Get up, you fucking suck. Get up. I didn't hit you that hard."
I skated over and said, "Gordie, what happened?"
"I speared him in the balls, " Gordie said.
"You're kidding me, "I said.
"No, " Gordie said. "That will slow him down."
Gordie skated over to their bench, and he said "Does anybody else here want to try to embarrass me?" He then repeated the question to drive home the point.
No one said a word.
I said, "Gordie, you are fucking nuts."
"No way they are going to embarrass me," he said. "I won't let them."
I love Gordie. Gordie is one tough son of a bitch.
Sunday, October 24, 2004
So why haven't I been blogging lately? I haven't had any exams...
Anyhoo, for the most part, its all quiet on the western front. Just some internal ups and downs that are pretty similar to the other things that have been said in other blogs. Wow, I really have nothing to talk about. I could talk about how the burglary...burger...bur.... some frickin alarm went off at CAB on Saturday. But really, where would the point be in that?
One thing I have been wondering is how much control do we have of our lives? The courses of Sociology and Psychology have gotten me thinking. Lately I've been introduced to how we develop, and I just wonder how different things could be for all of us. At first, its things that are influenced by society. How would differences in the TV shows, or how our parents treated us change us? Again, along the developmental line. Then my line of thought changed into our actions. How would our situation be different had we done certain things differently at certain points?
Is there anything you wished you could go back and change? Or is this question pointless, because none of us can go back in time. If anybody asked me if I in my short 18 years of life had any regrets, I would say yes. I wish I had put myself on the line more. Meaning, I wished I had taken certain risks or more control of a situation. But hey, as much as there were regrets, there were also some good decisions. Heres to hoping the good outnumber the bad.
Monday, October 11, 2004
Anyways, I'm going to the Thanksgiving Day football game between the Edmonton Eskimos and the Montreal Alouettes. The Esk's are on a three game losing streak, and facing the best team in the CFL. Hopefully they'll come out like the Grey Cup team that they are. GO ESKS GO!
Edmonton is certainly rich in sports history. I believe that the Eskimos came to fruition because 50, 000 "investors" each invested a dollar to create the football team. That is some really strong community spirit! Anyways, for some reason I've been really able to watch football now.
I've finished my main midterms which were Psych, Sociology, and Biopsychology. Next midterm will be at the 20th, but I shouldn't let up on reading/thinking. About every weekend at least one of the days I will head to the University and just read/study. It seems my marks are usually in the range of 80% to 90%. I'm not sure why I can't push myself to break that 90% barrier. I'll always be in the B --> A- range, not quite cracking an A or A+. I guess it just shows in the exams that extra little time that was taken to THINK about a subject, not just stare at a random diagram. I still have to recieve my midterm marks for Biopsych and Sociology.
Lets see, what else can I complain about. Oh yeah! My willpower! I just don't have the motivation to get out to exercise. Most of the time, I'll just be bored and get Keith to throw the football with me and thats it. But all of a sudden, what? The Apprentice is on?!!? Then I scramble toward the TV. TV has sure made a comeback in my battle to be efficient.
Okay, this is stupid, I'm going to sleep. For the questions, the answer to the first question was fruit loops. The answer to the second question was pushups. Both Larry and Joey get a point. Yay!!
**Chris' third question of the situation** (Yes this is a cheap way to get comments, but also another way to tell stuff to you)
What career am I most thinking of heading into?
a) Pharmacy
b) Business
c) Accounting
d) Occupational Therapy
e) Psychology
By the way, if anyone remembers those 10 question quizzes about themselves, I will never put up a stupid random question like "What color do my stuffed bunnies like to pick out for socks on their left paw?"
Monday, October 04, 2004
Why am I still up?? It makes no sense to still be up. I should be heading to sleep. But since when have I proven to be an avid practicer of rationalism? Anyways, I had gathered some quotes by various people and here are some of them. Some words of inspiration and humor is a decent kick in the butt to get you moving sometimes.
*I don't actually know if these are all real quotes or what context they are in*
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
- Mother Teresa
I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.
George S. Patton
I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.
Winston Churchill
I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
-Thomas Jefferson
- My wife made me a millionaire. I used to have three million.
- -Bobby Hull
~ Warren Buffett
** Chris question of the moment #2**
What is the first thing I gave Delia?
a) A bracelet
b) flowers
c) pushups
d) a card
e) a movie coupon
Sunday, October 03, 2004
I've been finding it difficult to stay motivated to set aside time to study and stick with it. In fact, I'm always thinking in the midst of creating a schedule so I can stick to it instead of relying on a mental plan. I'm really in a rut in terms of studying, with most of it consisting of reading material over and over again, something that I'm not really a fan of. Although, I try to actually read and make sure something is going into my head. You know those "thought" questions at the end of a chapter that asks a question, I'm actually thinking about those! Those sections at the end of a chapter with questions can be useful...
I've always thought of myself as being somewhat lackadaisical if not mostly (if you don't know what it means, look it up!) but with brief moments of high concentration (yay! you've been given context). Something really needs to and is going to change. I'm not sure what it is, but its not the most positive situation. Well, things could be worse. Time to suck it up.
I should really be getting back to reading, or finishing my assignment. I'm probably making it harder than it seems...
**Chris question of the moment**
Although I don't eat cereal all too much, when given a choice, my cereal preference is:
a) Rice Crispies
b) Lucky Charms
c) Fruit Loops
d) Cap'n Crunch
e) Frosted Flakes
Friday, September 10, 2004
So the first week of University is over! For the most part, the thing that determines my mark is mainly exams. It'll be time for lots of reading now...
Well, it seems like I'll need another bag to carry the laptop in. I just need some kind of compartment to protect the laptop from getting scratched and crap. Bleh, I have so many other school bags that are just going to take up space. I guess its time to figure out how to get rid of them...
At the moment, I'm listening to George Carlin on Winamp radio... hehehe.. thats a funny guy.. aww damn it ended...
Anyways, not a whole lot to say... except GOO CANADA!! Canada takes on the Czech Republic for their semifinal, and the winner takes on Finland in the Gold Medal game. Go Canada!
Time to go eat some grapes...
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Sunday, September 05, 2004
However, I just feel like mentioning the terrorist incident in Beslan, Russia. I won't elaborate or talk about any political ramifications of this act. Its a terrible day in history when children are actually targetted. Again, I'm not going to talk about the ins and outs of this act, but it makes you think. People will be writing their opinions everywhere, with huge columns devoted to this story.
Its sad because I almost wasn't fazed to hear about another terrorist attack...
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
So I guess I never did get to blogging about Universal Studios. Oh well!
Alright now sportsfans, lets get a quick update on whats been going on since I haven't blogged in a while:
1. Quit 7-Eleven, it was a good work environment and very close to home but the hours may have been too much.
2. Had a job interview recently at Edmonton General hospital, we'll see how it goes. I only need to work 6 times a month, although 2 outta every 4 weekends.
3. Our family has been going a little technology nuts, getting a new desktop computer, and me getting a new laptop. Also, we're going to keep our old comp running, so we are getting a router to set up a network. We'll have up to 3 comps running. Plus we got this new printer, photocopier, scanner all in one to come with the comp. Its kind of funny beacuse we have three seperate machines that do all those, but they just got replaced!
Its going to be Delia's birthday on Sept 2nd, sooo everyone wish her a happy birthday! We'll be going out to eat at Japanese village, which should be awesome! I can't wait to see the chef go ninja bezerk on the food! Soo a big shout to Delia saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
There is actually a small birthday parade in September... so heres the people I can remember off the top of my head
Happy Birthday Anita! Happy Birthday Kev! Happy Birthday Ant! Happy Birthday *insert your name here*!
Thats all for now, thanks for tuning in.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
I just typed about Universal Studios, but I'm not in the mood to retype it. I'll do it later. It rocked. Okay lets move on.
So in todays news, I worked at the Whyte ave. 7-11. Yeah its just a little far, but eh I made it there and back. It was an alright experience, but I'm only noting it because I had to go far. Monterey Jack taquitos = good! 7-11 pricing = bad!
I also just recently got my GDL in the mail! For those scratching their heads, thats graduated drivers license. Yay, I graduated! I want a party! No, I just want to drive to the theater and watch Collateral. Anyways, my mom took me to All State where I got my insurance right away but we still need to see how long it takes for my parents to build faith in me that I can drive on my own.
Well, I can't remember what else I was going to say. I'm feeling really tired right now, so peace out!
Sunday, August 08, 2004
In other news, I'm about to head off to the ever glorious night cleaning shift! Yay! Monday is gonna be a fun day because half that day is actually going to be at work. Yay! Ah well, I can tough it out.
It seems I'm never going to get to the blog about Universal Studios and so on. I will though, trust me on that! Oh yeah, while in LA I saw White Castle!! ... its not really a castle, but it is white. They were selling free burgers because the movie had just come out.
Well not much to say here, but I'm just on Satire wire, and if you feel like having a laugh check out
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Anyways, on to Seaworld!
To get to Seaworld we had to get to San Diego. For this, we booked seats on a tour bus. Remember, we're staying in Anaheim. Anyways, a few hours later we arrived to our destination. We wouldn't have nearly as much time as we spent at Disneyland, but we managed to do have a good time. Right away we went onto their river ride. If you've ever seen that commercial where you have a bunch of people sitting inside this octagonish floating thingy going down river, you may know what I'm talking about. We went on a similar ride at DCA. Anyways, if you're really baffled I can direct you to a better description later. After that, we went to get lunch and I remember it being really filling despite the food portion looking small. See, thats what happens when you get real food (Frickin McDonalds...).
Right after we lined up for their "Arctic Ice" attraction. First off, they had a ride similar to the ride "Back to the Future" at Universal Studios, except the vehicle of choice is a helicopter in the Arctic. Wait, is it Arctic or Artic? Ah whatever.... it was one of those motion rides. Afterwards, you "arrived" at back at their "arctic station." You exited on the other side which led to a base camp that would try to lead you to think that you were indeed in an Arctic base. It was pretty cool, and my dad got some pictures of Seals. Yep, he used flash photography... haha stupid animals!
Next up was penguins!! Yep, those cuddly cute little things. They're always so innocent! Except for that time in Batman Returns when The Penguin strapped rocket launchers to their backs. Otherwise, these flightless birds are always fun to watch. Next exhibit?! SHARKS! Well, we saw manatees or some other thing, but no one cares about that. Sharks!! At one point, they placed a tunnel through the shark tank. Then they placed a conveyor belt to keep people moving so that everyone could go through the tunnel and watch all the sharks. Sadly, I didn't get to see any Sharks eat the small fish.
We saw some more things but next was one of the main events! Ever heard of Shamu?? Wellll hes one of three in a family of killer whales! He and his other parents playfully (or forcefully) perform for the crowd, splashing those in the front row. The hilight of the show? They brought out a kid volunteer, and told him to do actions so that Shamu could mimic him. Then, they told the kid to do an action so that Shamu would go and greet the kids dad. Try to picture the tank, and the kids dad next to the tank putting his cheek against it. He did so because he thought Shamu would give a kiss through the glass. Yeah, anyways, hes a frickin Killer Whale. He comes up and does a huge back flip and his 2 tons of mass splashes down and soaks everyone in the first 10 rows or so. Somewhere, my dad has a pretty cool picture of a backflip of Shamu.
Afterwards we watched a show involving two seals interacting with human actors. This show is much more difficult to describe, but the best moment was when the seal was supposed to drag a dummy off the stage. Unfortunately, the dummy's arm snapped off, and the seal dragged only that off. There was a dummy because one of the actresses "exploded" through the air, and since you don't explode people for the sake of a seal show.... Anyways, she comes back and goes... ah shit! She runs back off stage and tells one of the other actors to pick her up. So he runs on stage and goes, "How you doing??" Then he goes to pick up the dummy, and rips off its other arm! He just scoops everything up and runs off. Heehee!
There were a few things in Seaworld but these are the main highlights.
Next up: Universal Studios!
*I should probably get an account at webshots and put up pics*
Monday, August 02, 2004
The following will be a recap of my week in California. Just a straight forward account of what I did, nothing more and nothing less.
Anyways, we drove out around 4 am on Sunday morning, leaving on the 25th of July. It was an uneventful ride to the airport. Then we carried our bags, checked in, and made our way to the security checkpoint. Yay, I didn't get strip searched. Anyways, we head onto the airplane. Now, earlier before we found out that my family got split up. However, we did ask for window seats which of course we were bound to get because the plane was a small one, seating 2 seats on each side. Unfortunately, due to some shitty luck we had no window! the seats and windows weren't lined up so we got stuck with airplane wall. Weee! Great view!
The flight was a smooth one, but I was hungry the whole time. See, I mentioned I left at 4 am but I also didn't eat breakfast. My tummy started eating itself )= *Oh yeah, I'll use emoted faces as periods from now on* We finally touched down to La La Land and were finally on our way to vacation!
We arrived around 11'ish in Cali time, and went to Anaheim. Check in time for the motel was at 3, but at least we were able to drop off our bags. We walked around the area, first picking up information about various tours in the area. We weren't renting a car and didn't know enough about the public transportation at the time to be able to travel to the theme parks we were going to, so we would be booking seats on a tour bus. After that, we decided to head to Downtown Disney. Of course, we didn't know the entrance to that place, we figured we'd just stumble upon it. After a few miles and sunburns we got in around back. I have a few pictures but basically it was similar to how Bourbon Street looks like in West Edmonton Mall. Of course, replace all the clubs with more Disney-friendly places and there you go. Once we got bored, we left to our motel to get into our room.
I can't remember what time it was, but since we didn't want to waste our time we decided to walk to a place called the "Anaheim Marketplace." Man, that was a wash. We basically headed out to mini Mexico. It was really uncomfortable being in there because we seemed so out of place. My family decided to head out and we walked back to a place called Panda Express to have dinner. It was near our motel, and we would get to know them pretty well over the week.
Monday = Disneyland!!! Disneyland!!! Disneyland!!! Disneyland!!! heehee!
For those who don't know, the area we would be visiting was Disneyland, and across from it was Disney California Adventure (DCA). In between was a main street if you will, which led out and in the other direction led to Downtown Disney. We grabbed park hopper tickets which allowed us to go into DCA and Disneyland. Yes, those are two separate theme parks right across from each other. Ah well... Disneyland opens at 8 am, and DCA and 10 am. We had an unsatisfying meal at McD's (which we would also get to know) and lined up around 7:30 am. It was friggin Disneyland! They counted down the opening and then let us in. Yeeehaw!
First, we headed out to Indiana Jones Adventure. Yeah, the Temple of Doom!!! The anticipation of getting there, and also having our family there was great. After a quarter mile+ walk to the actual ride, we got in. We were also lucky enough to be in front! It was really cool to have my parents in there, as they aren't exactly thrillseekers at their age, but wanted to share the experience with me and Keith. We also got lucky, getting seated in the front! It was a cool ride and we got to dodge the blowdarts, and run from a big boulder about to crush us. What did you do on Monday hmmm?!
Afterwards, we went on Pirates of the Carribbean. Not exactly an exciting ride, but soothing and more to my moms liking. Not much to it, we sit in a little boat, and travel around watching pirate mannequins do pirate mannequin things. No Cap'n Jack Sparrow of the Black Pearl )=
Next on the list, the Haunted House! It was cool, we move into this octagon'ish room and there they get into the atmosphere. Afterwards, you get into this egg-like vehicle for the ride. You also sit in pairs. Reminder, never go on the rides in Disneyland alone. You'll feel like the loserest loser in the whole wide world of losers. It was a cool ride because they kept projecting out ghostly images and in the end, they would have you and your ride mate face the mirror, and project a ghost in between us. Would have made for a cool picture (=
Splash Mountain! We lined up but it wasn't too long of a wait. My parents weren't exactly thrilled beause of the steep slide at the end, but they got in. We've got a picture of it too (= We were going to go on the ride next to it, which was the Winnie the Pooh ride. However, I kinda vetoed it because that ride is for babies. We did go on more rides but I don't think I need to state every single ride. Well, I could, but I'm lazy. After a while, we rode the train.
Now, while on the train, the girl next to me nudges me and says, "Hey, I hear this station is in need of some new TRAINing." WTF?! Heh... heh! She kept talking and as it turns out, she worked at Disneyland and played characters. You remember that picture you took with Aerial the mermaid? That would be her! Or someone that looked like her! She had and showed me pictures of her as Snow White, Aerial, and Cinderalla. She also told me what rides to go on while at Disneyland and DCA (= After Snow White left, my family decided to split up. Me and Keith headed out to DCA to go on more rides while my parents would rest. We went on some more rides and saw Aladdin in a condensed 45 minute play. I must note one of the things we went to, which was the "A Bug's Life" theater. It was a 3-d show and we got honourary bug glasses. It was one of the best shows to sit in on. There would be a bug on the screen shooting "acid" at us, and we would be getting sprayed with water. A bug would "fart" at us and they released some kind of smell. They even unleashed bees at us, and if you were sitting up straight, your seat actually poked you to simulate the stinging. Those kind of things happened, and at the end we were to wait to let the cockroaches out first. Then our seats bulged as though bugs were running by us! It was great!
Afterwards, we went back to Disneyland and unfortunately, Keith and I missed out on the parade. We were wandering Adventureland. Anyways, we did get to watch the Laser show "Fantasmic." I don't really know how to describe it. Maybe when I figure out how I can, I'll put it in this blog. But for now, take my word for it, it was great! Scheduled next was the fireworks show. The lights flashed and the sound was loud, also great. We finally headed back to our motel after all that time with Mickey Mouses in our eyes. One of the first things my mom said when we were in Disneyland was that it seemed to surreal, and that it was a world that was fake. Yes, it is a fake world, but despite that she enjoyed it and said it was a place where you are not allowed to think about the troubles of your life. Yeah, the sights are plastic and fibreglass, the costumes tacky, but expect us to be there next year. I could still go on and on but I don't think I should in this same blog. Damn, I didn't even get to Tuesday.
Yes I've got pictures and I'll be showing to whoever wants to see. Also, as I said to Dev, I didn't buy too much Disney stuff because most of the shops there are glorified "Disney Stores" that are at Kingsway and WEM. Besides, what am I going to get? The red Tinkerbell keychain, or the blue one? Disneyland is great, and the way I'll remember it was because I was there.
Next up: Seaworld, Tuesday!
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Sunday, July 18, 2004
Aloha! Well recently I've been watching some "stupid" comedies. That top quote comes from an outtake of the movie Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. Previous to that was watching Dodgeball and Eurotrip. Sandwiched in between was a viewing of Spiderman 2. All movies were enjoyable (=. Besides the movie watching, not much else has been happening besides work. Oh yeah, I was introduced to an anime about ninjas called Naruto. This was at Animethon and yeah, 'nuff said.
Oh yeah, does anyone want to buy a Kday admission + rides pass? I don't think I'll be able to go this year. Thursday and Friday are pretty much the only days I could go, but even then I am probably going to be packing for California... Potentially I'll sell it for $20.
Thats all for now, so remember, just because someone says its cotton candy, you shouldn't eat that big red candle.
Thursday, July 15, 2004
In other news, my road test is on August 5th. Yay!!
Today is Thursday (glad you came here to find that out eh?) and now Delia should be somewhere in London. Before, she was in... well I don't really know. But now she should be in England drinking tea or having really sugary British candy...
That's all for now, so go eat some mashed potatoes. They're really good.
Monday, July 12, 2004
Not a whole lot to say really. Just been a bunch of work here and there, cancelling out my road test. Thats fine, because I probably wouldn't be allowed to drive on my own anyways and I'm not ready to fight with my parents over that. I just hope I don't forget the AMA stuff I need, but it shouldn't be too bad. I like how the road test is only half an hour long, that should be easy compared to those 3 hour sitdown exams during school!
Anyhoo, I get to goto Disneyland soon! Anyone who has been there before, tell me all the good places to go! Well, I'm really visiting Los Angeles. Also heading out to Universal Studios and other places, but c'mon, Disneyland!! Its gonna be great! I leave on the 25th and come back about a week later.
By the way, anyone know when they want to goto Klondike Days? I don't know when I'm going, and I'll probably only know when I get the schedule for that week. I do know that some people are planning for the 24th. Namely, Maggie! Anyone else wanna go, just give a shout. Also, reminder to self, stick to playing Whack-A-Mole only, thats the only game that I can win at.
Finally, a note to those who read the various updates here. Besides myself of course. If you don't have a blog but you find yourself visiting the little circle of blogs we have here, get one! You don't need to write out novels or short stories. Getting a blog just helps us know what one or the other did. You don't have to update all the time, but you can use it to let us know whats going on when hanging out isn't an option. Just don't forsake the thing when you have it. And everyone knows that the excuse " I have no time to update!" is a lie. (=
Thats all for now, but for anyone thinking about Kdays, give a shout and we'll round up a potential list of suspects to head out with. Also, I'm planning to watch Spiderman 2 on Wednesday night, around 6:30pm (18:30). Anyone interested, again, give a shout. So....
Peace out!
Sunday, July 04, 2004
Another quick blog about nothing.
Participated in event known as Operation Canada Day, at least according to Ranald. A bunch of us went to BP's to eat, then after that we went down to the Legislature, slid down a bunch of hills and watched the Fireworks. It was a great show, all in all, food + bright lights + big sound + fun people = good times! If you've read Ranalds blog, we did go to his house, turned off the lights and and watched this revolving light changey thing... for HOURS... without being under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Well, it was a very good camp-like atmosphere. Someday, a big road trip with a bunch of us going to who knows where would be awesome. Finally, I did launch an initiative to go home which was suprisingly successful given that Kev's girlfriend had been lobbeying to go home for the past hour.
The next day, something.
On Saturday my family drove out to Calgary. Why? I don't know. Anyways, I picked up 2 DVDs, the movies Infernal Affairs 2 & 3. I also picked up a hockey book, called "The Game of Our Lives." The only reason I picked it up is because the author apperently followed the Edmonton Oilers for the 1980-1981 season. I'm not sure why I'm a hockey fan, but I just had to get this book. As for the movies, they are Chinese ones and if anyone has heard of Infernal Affairs, they might know that it is an equivalant of Ocean's Eleven in terms of Chinese acting starpower. It won a boatload of awards there and so on. Of course, the formula in China is that when one movie does really, really, well, making 6 more sequels/prequels couldn't hurt. Luckily, the Infernal Affairs series has really good direction behind it. Yay!
For Sunday, I started the day off driving. I was getting kinda tired and but overall not bad. My parking is inconsistent, sometimes I'll be really close, other times I'm really far. I'll just keep trying to practice that. Afterwards was a quick stop at the Karate BBQ. Its always fun but unfortunately I had work after. I managed to get in a game of Soccer Baseball and some waterfights. The waterfights was great, because a lot of us are into the shooting game format. A lot of people are into the Counterstrike/Rainbow Six type thing, so we made watergun rules. If you get solidly sprayed in the upper body, you "die" and are out. That simple! Then you go off and reload. We didn't stray too far from that when we played those out. It should be on video and look really cool (=
Anyways, I'm going to call England now. Goodbye!
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
So yeah, I started training today at Seven eleven. We'll see how that goes. It seems like it'll wreck havoc on my weeks to come but oh well. I think I can still get those days off for holiday time. I hope I can still goto Disneyland, as it appears its either Las Vegas or Disneyland. I prefer Disneyland so much more, but we'll see what happens.
In other news, I am still deciding on what to do for getting a laptop. If anyone knows anything about laptops and can help me decide, let me know and we can shop around. I have nothing prepared, don't know what exactly I'm looking for in terms of capabilities or what my budget wil be. (=
Thats all for now, quickie updates are easy and maybe if I stick to those I'll update more regularly. Peace out!
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Well here comes yet another really late blog from the last date. Oh well! In any case, not much happening although I finally quit College Pro! Yay! At the moment Maggie is helping me get into 7-11 and we'll see how that works. Man, work sucks! Its the scheduling and all. I still am not finished driving lessons quite yet, but counting road test thats around the 10th of July. Also, we are hoping to goto California from July 24-31st!! This finally means a visit to DISNEYLAND and Universal Studios!!!!! That may mean missing Kdays, but c'mon, I'm going to the friggin HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!But yeah, that could be a hindrance in scheduling. But yes, damn work and money. Sigh... and before you know it money goes bye bye!
Delia went to England... sigh.. its going to be a long month. She did arrive there safe and sound as I got an email from her. However, it seems that they get charged per minute to use the internet over there. That gets a massive WTF?! from me. I don't want her to cause an increase in their billing over there but I'm not sure what else can be done. Maybe I should steal Ryan's X-box idea... but that would mean getting a game console and Halo 2. Delia, come home soon!
No, that doesn't really sum up the days from last update. *Insert random Diablo 2 expansion playing time*. There, that about does it. Stupid game! But really, it doesn't... ¬_¬
Anyways, thats all for now. Next time I update, who knows? Certainly not me. 'Till next time, peace out!
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
So whats new? Well, lets talk about work first. Some of you know all about the College Pro painting thing. Not exactly going as well as we'd hope. Unfortunately, there are a number of factors that contribute to the suckiness of whats going on. One, our manager doesn't seem to have the proper experience. Two, the poor communication between the manager and us, and three we suck at painting and we need to get trained, but thats not happening.
Our manager is a nice guy and all, but it looks like this summer is not his. In the meantime, its back to looking at postings and I'm looking at stuff for hospitals. I probably should be looking a lot harder than that, and maybe I can go back to Edmonton General Hospital and see if they'll decide to find me something or not :S
In other news, Dev and I are still in the driving course regularly attending class. It seems the more often we go the less and less other people decide to show up. Oh, by the way, since we both registered together at AMA we got a 5% discount, its a kind of bring a buddy get a bit of the price off. But anyways, class sucks. Dev does seem committed on actually getting something out of the class. I'm just trying to avoid starting stickman wars... ;)
...Yay! Delia finally called me. I can finally ditch this forsaken waste of text and you, the reader. Peace out!
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Sunday, May 30, 2004
Wow, the way to update this has changed. Man has it been that long??
May 5th I started my first job with the City of Edmonton. Since my mom works there, she got me a job as a courier. It was a simple job that was made even better by having awesome co-workers and a good wage. All I did was deliver the garbage pickup calendars to homes. My driver drops me off on a block, I walk and drop the stuff into the mailbox. EASY!. I got the be the "athletic" one in the group by default since the others were either a smoker, over 40, injured, or out of shape. My leadhand was awesome too. He was a huge hockey fan and everyday he would wear a new hockey jersey. It also allowed me an opportunity to hear about and see the city. I got to hear a lot because half of my team was over 40 and have lived and started a lot of their stories, " I remember when this used to be a ..." I got to see a lot because we travelled to many areas. I got to see some of the more extravagant houses and "trespass" on one of the golf country clubs. Alas, this job ended on the 28th so its time to finally start up College Pro.
As for College Pro, the big thing seems to be patience. The potential to make money is there, all you have to do is endure the student manager and cold calling. Way easier said then done, as you don't actually get to see the manager do anything. Ah well, I've got a good friend Howie there to keep spirits up and I hope to team up with him. As for cold calling, even though we don't get paid for getting out there, I don't completely mind going out there. I usually get at least one lead, my most ever being four. However, it seems the people I get aren't usually interested past giving me their information. That means that fluke ass Anthony's leads have been more beneficial... ah dammit. Anyways, tomorrow I finally get trained for painting so we will see how that goes. Supposedly there is this quiz and shit, but whatever.
For most of you, you'll probably know that in May we started a weekly Monday Night Football game. It was a chance to get out and just be active. We had a few games that went to the point that you didn't see the ball until it was too late. Ahh, good times! It has mostly been football because it was a relatively stamina friendly game. We did get to play ultimate football in a 3on3 situation when many had already left, and needless to say we were all gassed out. Unfortunately, it seems those days have ended because me and Dev finally signed up for AMA driving lessons. I'll miss those times where I'm open in the end zone but butterfinger the ball. Best memories --> Clarence missing a catch and taking the football in the nuts... ahahaha...!
But yes, Dev and I have finally bit the bullet and are now taking driving lessons. Our classroom time is so far on Mondays and Wednesdays, and driving times are relatively close although that doesn't matter. Tentatively, I finish sometime in early July. Yay! Also, note this, we got 5% off because we came together. It was one of those "bring someone" and get __% off.
Also, May was the month of birthdays. So.... in no particular order
Happy Birthday Dev!
Happy Birthday Kason!
Happy Birthday Ranald!
Happy Birthday Jenn! (although I think its actually in June... dammit I suck!)
Happy Birthday to the person I possibly could have forgotten.
In other news, new cellphone! 966-5082! Whoa whoa, settle down there old creepy man... not for you to know...
So now that we are more or less caught up, I think that is all for now. I'll try to update this thing every 2 days and hopefully make the content readable and significant... (=
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
So today was an alright day. I friggin missed the IIHF World Championships game between Canada and France because it was at 4 am and I thought it was 6. Ah well, the next one is at 8 am... of course I'm typing this at 2 am. Boy am I a smartie. In other news, I got a "flower box" from Cookies by George for Delia. On a quick side note, I'd like to meet this George one day. But anyhoo, today was such a crappy day to get the flower box because it rained like KrAzY! The box is a bit ruined but not too bad, and Delia was still happy anyways (= I got it today because I'm such a poopyhead and didn't get it when it would have been a good idea, which was a few days ago. Ah well...
For the goals update, I don't think I'm getting back into pushup shape that quick, and splits flexibility?? Well, summer is 4 months, we'll see. For a GW tournament update, we did a bit of kata and sparring training. I did pretty decent in both and I'm hoping that continues come this Saturday. I'm doing the same kata, and for the people that know what I'm talking about, you'll get it. I pretty much know what I want to look like and what I want to do, its whether or not I'll be able to coordinate my body accordingly. As for sparring, today was a confidence booster but I gotta stick to being realistic. I'm riding on zero experience but I'll hafta make up for it by being extra determined.
Also, I think I may have figured something out. Sometimes I'm slow getting out my side kick *this is for the karate people I know =P* and the reason is that I lean back first. I know Ranald has that bastard sneaky side kick that gets me, he just zooms forward. So I'll work on that, trying to lean more forward when lifting the knee instead of leaning backward. I tried going on the defensive and keeping him at bay with that, but was always too slow and this is probably why. Oh yeah, I totally plan on landing a sweep (=
What else was I going to say? Damn it... totally forgot. Well, I guess I'll peace out for now. One last thought though: Where does the word cookie come from? It contains the word cook. But yet people who make cookies are more accurately termed bakers. I may be off...
Monday, April 26, 2004
Well the Ging Wu tournament is coming up, and although I'm fairly confident in my kata I know Ranalds is up there and probably better at this point. Also, sparring is going to be new to me, and here is to hoping I just don't get my ass handed to me in point sparring. I can take solace in that it is just point sparring, but when you know the rules when you play there is no complaining. Hopefully tomorrow I will get a lot done, although conditioning is pretty low I hope to be mentally sharp.
I guess I should talk about my first year at University considering it is a milestone so to speak. Well, first year is over and I'm close to completely deciding what I'd like to do. I've settled on Occupational Therapy for now, which is different from Physical therapy in that they try to aid someone regain their "functional use" of their body. Yeah don't worry about it. The program isn't easy to get into, only 70 some new people get into the program per year. However, I'm aiming to keep my gpa at 3.5 so that should pretty much get me in.
Now, how am I doing for keeping gpa at 3.5? Well, compared to most people my workload this year was relatively easy because I mainly had business pre requisites. Unfortunately, not an A to be found )=... plenty of friggin A-'s though. English I pulled to a B+, but frickin Physics has cost me and who knows about my remaining two subjects. But enough about grades, how about the year itself? Well, it is a a few steps about high school and I need to learn to somehow sit through lectures. I spent a lot of time catching Z's then listening to the lecturer. As for workload, I wish I scheduled myself better. I'd make myself to do lists, and they end up becoming "shit I fudging forgot to do" list. Ah m/f, not much I can do now except look toward next semester. However, all in all a relatively good year and next year its my goal to hit A's in half my classes.
Today I went cold calling and had a good haul. Saturday sucked, as I got one (and the only one) but today looked up. I got 4 leads, although one taken from Kason because he didn't go for the house *sucker!* In any case, I'm not confident all of them will be good but at least two should be. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I joined up with College Pro which is a company that has been set up so that there are student managers and student employees. Each manager gets a team and can send guys to go cold calling. Cold calling is basically going door to door, and for us we are offering a free paint estimate so that anyone who is interested will commit to it, then hopefully and likely commit to a job. Check out College Profor more info. Our motto is apperently: Leads --> Estimates --> Work --> Money! YAY!
Peace out! Thats all for now but before I leave here is a random thought. How wrong would it be to eat a chocolate hot dog? Sure, you can have sprinkles too...
Thursday, April 22, 2004
I'M DONE I'M DONE!!! RAWR!!! I know I messed up one question on my stats final.. damn it, 0.8 is 80%, not 8% ARGH! Oh well, not much can be done..
Now I can think about Ging Wu.. heres hoping I can gut it out. I was half doing a kata and it was pretty tiring. As for sparring, well I'm hoping I can stick to a few basic things and go back to them over and over. It'll be tough, but a good experience.
Ah yes, a reminder to self, cold calling on Saturday. Must reach Ryan-like state for Cold calling...
Now I can do more of the things I like, at least until my May job starts. One, I get to hang out with Delia a lot more! YAY! And two, I can watch the playoffs without worrying about exams (as opposed to watching the playoffs and worrying about the exams). This leads to my round 2 predictions! Only 4 matches, so here we go...
Calgary Vs. Detroit: I really hope for Calgary to win this one, but the fact that their series went to game seven really hurts them. Their bound to come out a lot flatter than in the first round, but also that Detroit has too many big guns and rest. But hey, theres always a possibility of Cow town winning and I'm all for that. Official pick : Detroit
San Jose Vs. Colorado: I said it before, but I really think its SJ's turn to be a powerhouse. In fact, most sports analysts thought they would be last year, but that didn't happen. However, them getting the 2nd seed in the West isn't a fluke, and Colorado hasn't really shown itself to be strong this year. Official pick: San Jose
Montreal vs. Tamba Bay: Montreal because I want them to. Also, I'm hoping that Tamba Bay is too cocky and that Khabibulin isn't up to the pressure. Should be an awesome series though... Official pick: Montreal
Toronto vs. Philadelphia: Toronto because that would mean an all Canadian conference final. Philly has Ken Hitchcock which is a huge plus, but I just prefer Toronto for some reason. Also, Eddie Belfour once stated when he left Dallas that he was going to win another Stanley Cup, and I think he can do it. Official pick: Toronto
Well I'm really being a Canadian homer for this round. Sigh.. I could really go 0-4... ah well...Thats all for now. 'Till next time players, peace out!
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
I wish not to be one who lets ego get in the way of things, so I try to avoid (and hope that I am doing a good job) of putting other people down. Of course, its next to impossible for me to never ever say things in the heat of the moment, but I strive to keep my mind open even if I disagree with something. That's all for now.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Lets keep going....
Wow I talk waaaay too much about school sometimes. So lets try to change that.
The other day I was flipping through the channels and lo and behold, George Carlin was on tv! For anyone who doesn't know, he was the actor on the morning children's television show "Shining Time Station." But he is actually an awesome comedian who targets the adult audience. No, I don't really keep track of comedians too well, but I like tuning into Just for Laughs and other shows when I get the chance.
Anyways, to sum it up, he is a friggin funny guy. If anyone wants to see some of his stuff just check out Just a general though about comedians. These guys are there to entertain and sometimes provoke our thoughts about how we view things. Sometimes they cross lines or become HBO "outrageous!" Anytime I disagree with their material, I'll go meh and wait for something that does strike me as funny.
Wow, in the middle of this I started surfing his site and couldn't stop. That means you should too. I'm gonna peace out, .... err... .. peace out!
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Yes it has been a while. Ah well!! If you don't like it, go suck a hotdog... or a similarly elongated object...
Not much to say but I feel like typing about me and Anita's disagreement over JKD. Now I don't care to the point that I'll challenge her to a flaming cage fight over an alligator pit, but I gotta disagree with Anita's statement on Ranald's blog that "If anyone ever told you that they can teach Jeet Kune Do, they're lying!!" Then, she also (with the info from some seemingly knowledgeable friends) says that you can't really call JKD a martial art. I'm going to respectfully disagree with both of those points. Also, I'm going to leave Bruce Lee out of the equation in regards to his possible wishes over JKD. He is dead and we can't exactly ask him how he feels today. (Unless you've been to Actually no, you still can't. But you can read about Zombie Bruce Lee and his exploits!
But yes, JKD can be taught because there are some good guys who can teach it. They offer JKD and they are respected schools. They are likely teaching their own "blend" similar to how other martial arts have their own blends but it is still a JKD school. Best example would be Dan Inosanto.
Afterwards we briefly talked about that you could not really label JKD as a martial art because it is "free style". That somewhat implied that JKD can be taught too by the way (=. Anyways, moving on she figured that you would not call JKD a Martial art because much of its base lies in other martial arts. Thus, you aren't really learning JKD, you are learning stuff from Wing Chun, Judo, etc... I haven't taken JKD so I can't say if thats true or false. However, that means you are still learning martial arts. So I will concede that if you take this point of view you would not label JKD as a martial art, but the fact is you are learning martial arts.
Eh, I think I've put more time than necessary into that. Anyhoo, not sure who knows but this year I finally get a shot at throwing my hat into sparring. Unfortunately, this year I don't have the conditioning but that's plainly an excuse. I know what I'm getting into. I'm hoping to go bit by bit, hopefully last the round, then the next, then medal and who knows. It would be nice to medal, but goal one is to get in there and get past round one. It'll be different than sparring guys I normally spar, but let's give 'er and see what happens.
Finals are almost over, YAY!!!!!
That's going to mean work for the sunmer. Hopefully College Pro goes over very well, but at least I know May is covered. In May I get to deliver calendars for the City of Edmonton, specifically I'll be handing out the garbage calendars. Yee haw! Good hourly wage too (=
Sigh, the first round playoffs are over for the Stanley Cup. Damn playoffs and finals. Anyways, my predictions netted me a record of 5-3. And I really don't mind being wrong, Calgary winning is fine by me, same for Toronto.
Hmm... what else is there to cover... well I can't think so thats it for now. Peace out!
Friday, April 09, 2004
So on Wednesday I went cold calling with Ant and Kason. For anyone who doesn't know, College Pro uses cold calling to get contacts for paint jobs. What happens is we go door to door, try not piss anyone off, and hope someone will take our offered free estimate which hopefully leads to a job. Anyhoo, the first time I went out was on Monday and man was it a cruddy experience. I was with Kev and a girl named Randi. We got one lead, yay! On Tuesday it would just be him and Randy, with Wed. being the "Karate Krew."
So those two go out on Tuesday, and set the bar at a whopping one lead. But Technically it was from Monday, so they would actually have zero. Sooooo its up to the Karate Krew to at least one up the total, and we got five!! Rawr!! Ant and Kason both got 2, and I only got 1 )= However, for any of that to matter, those leads have to turn to estimates... which is a different matter. Basically, they actually have to want the job and weren't just trying to get rid of you...
But yeah, FIVE!! I think the key now is just to scout out areas that are more ideal. All of our leads were in a certain area and that area was pretty good to us. After we left that area, it was an uphill battle so we ended up beelining toward Kason's house. I forget who said it, but you just dont' look at houses the same, now it's "well that house's fence/trim/deck needs painting... let's go here." Forget the map, we gotta peek at the areas before running over there for cold calling.
Also, I now hate dogs. Not that much mind you, but frick I came across more than a few dogs baring their teeth at me. Who knew that the sign saying "Beward of Guard Dog" wasn't lying...
That all for now, it's bedtime. Peace out! Right, 25 pushups.
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
Well I don't usually have huge blogs but this could be an exception..
First off let's start off with everyone's blogs. Some of the best material has been in a style similar to that of Holden Caulfield, the protagonist in the novel "The Catcher in the Rye." I remember when I was introduced to the book, my teacher said that he didn't want to talk too much about the author because he was somewhat of a KrAzY recluse madman, and that could affect our (the class) opinions of the book. Anyways, the teacher eventually gave us an assignment where we would write in the style of Holden Caulfield. I never ended up doing the assignment because one, I'm friggin lazy and plain didn't want to do it, and two because the style called for being opinionative, and not caring about stepping on toes so to speak. In fact, when some people were offered to present their assignment they would begin by saying, "Sorry if I offend anyone but..." Anyways, back to how this relates to the blogs. I see a fewin such a style and it's always enjoyable to read. You may not always agree with it, but for a few of the points you go "Hey! He is saying what I'm thinking!" I could never really think to such a degree. I'm usually one to lean on the fence or to try to look on the bright side of things. At least, that is how I feel but who knows, I could come off differently. Anyways, the final point of this paragraph is that I'm going to try to use this blog to be more direct and for what I want to say. After all, thats what this thing is for. I'm going to at least say what I want (nothing too offensive) and blog some more instead of putting it off because I don't know what to say or don't feel that it would be right.
Anyways, time to talk some hockey!! I can't really pay too much attention to the playoffs since finals is around the same time. That sucks but ah well. It looks like a real crapshoot, although I'm going put out predictions here:
Tamba Bay Lightning vs. New York Islanders: I'm going to pick TBL because it seems like they are due. They've come a long way, although I don't think they'll make it the cup finals, they are likely to beat NYI. The New York Islanders are basically the Edmonton Oilers of the Eastern Conference.
Boston vs. Montreal: A few years ago, not too far back, Montreal was the 8th seed and Boston was the 1st seed. However, I figured if Montreal, it would be because the Bruins weren't used to playoff adversity and were overconfident, plus Jose Theodore would be absolutely amazing. However, this year unless Raycroft falls, Boston wins this one. I hope Montreal can pull it out though, please prove me wrong!
Philadelphia vs. New Jersey: I can see Philly taking this one but I lean toward NJ. Not too much reasoning here.... sooo..
Toronto vs. Ottawa: No way can anyone be too confident in a pick.Unfortunately for Canada's capital, I gotta side with Toronto as they are running for the cup, and have beaten the Sens quite a few times in the playoffs. Not to mention you gotta trust Ed Belfour, I think he'll be able to last the first round at the very least.
Detroit vs. Nashville: Detroit, because they have something to prove against last year. Their goaltending isn't that big of a deal at this point, and I do think Nashville will get overwhelmed and be in awe of Detroit when this series is over.
San Jose vs. St. Louis: San Jose is similar to TB in that they've got to be due for good run in the playoffs. They had that one year where they upset Colorado, and that's it. San Jose hasn't caused too many waves despite them being 2nd in the West, and I think thats good. I say SJ over St. Louis because St. Louis is running into a motivated team, and their city name is kinda stupid.
Vancouver vs. Calgary: Vancouver simply because they've got the emotional high right now. They're hot going down the stretch and they want to win this. Cow town just doesn't have the depth to compete.
Colorado vs. Dallas: Colorado because Dallas also has a depth problem. You can match their goto guys and you can see some similar success, but I just see Colorado pulling it together whereas Dallas could be too injured or just not enough to keep going.
Like I said before, I can't claim to be the biggest hockey fan but I am a fan. I wouldn't be suprised if I go 0-8 on these predictions. Aww crap, I was going to talk about cold calling but I think I'll save that for later. Its peace out for now!! Oh yeah... 30 pushups.
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Man my legs are sore from football and to a much lesser extent basketball. Its been a while since I could say that I was sore from any sort of activitiy... but anyways...
I'm yet another that has also gotten sucked into College Pro. I have to thank Kev for putting in a good word fpr me, as I have an interview for tomorrow at 2 pm. Since I'm basically a bum and up to this point wasn't keen on working, I'm going to need to play up my enthusiam and Dev said to home in going through adversity, so I'll talk about the times I was "broken". If I do get it, I may have to mention that my starting time will be pushed back. Apperently my mom can get me a temporary job that pays decently and I may do that first. At least I know I for sure have that.
Not much else to add, except that this April stretch is basically post secondary playoffs. Gotta buckle down and whatever mark you/I end up with is likely what is deserved. Good luck to everyone for finals!
Saturday, April 03, 2004
Well it's been a little while since I blogged, but here goes!
Right now I have a sore throat. Obviously I hope it doesn't get worse, as it would be an incredibly bad time to catch an illness right before exams.
Friday night was kinda cool. I got to play Axis and Allies with Tom, Larry, Keith, Ranald, and Delia. I was the USA, Ranald/Delia was the UK, and Tom was Russia. Keith and Larry were Japan and Russia respectively. Unfortunately, the Allies in that game let the fate of the free world fall into the hands of evil. We'll get you next time!! Do I remember anything else about Friday? I think I had an lab exam or something.
So on today which was field sports day! Went out to the field with Ryan, Dev, Tom, Clarence I, Clarence II, Kason and Quy. We played football first, and of course I was late :S Anyhoo, it was fun game of two hand touch football. It was a sweet game because I ended up having being on the teams that won both games. Delia even played! I tried throwing a long pass to her, but since she doesn't often even see a football, let alone catch one, she got scared of the ball. It's my goal in the summer to teach her how to catch a ball (=
Oilers lose out in playoffs. Looks like I'll be able to study for finals without distractions. I think Ty Conklin choked, sorry dude )=. The Juice looks to be the goalie of the future at the moment, and he looks like he can handle the puck a little bit smarter than Conks. Oh well, I can't remember the link but I was reading an interview on Kevin Lowe and he seemed to on the train of thought: Get the Oilers to the CBA year, get a better way to pay players, and by then we'll have a solid core plus some up and coming players ready. Then they'll be able to solidly take a run at the cup. Edmonton Oilers Stanley Cup Champions of 2006-2007!
Saturday was a fun day, but tm's gonna be a study day. As Tom said, this set of exams seems to suck more than first semester, partly because it's been 8 friggin months. Yeah, there's X-mas Break and Reading Week, but it does feel like a grind. Ah well, anything worth wanting is worth working for.
What else is there to say... well not much for me really. Maybe this blog will pick up after exams... we'll see..
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Hmm... let's use this thing as a goal setter. Let's start off with a physical one. This is one I wanted to attain a long time ago, and the closest I came was in grade 11. I want to be able to do side splits by the end of August.
Next is an academic one. I will get an 88 or higher on my Econ final. This is a subject that can get me a 4.0 for sure. I also want to get at least B+ or A- for Chem 101, and I'm behind the 8 ball on that one, but let's give'er.
Oh wait, one last one, get back to being able to do >50 pushups and the task not feeling too difficult. Deadline for this one is say... Canada Day.
Saturday, March 27, 2004
I never actually did too much "expressing" myself through this. Not at all close to the level some other people have. Our PM Paul Martin is trying to be big on "transparency". He basically wants people to feel that they can watch the gov't and know whats going on. Well, I guess I thought maybe that would happen with this blog and that I would open up. Of course no one is going to completely open themselves out on an online web log, but I hoped I would be able to let a little bit out. I can't seem to type out certain things for fear of being judged, although I know its friends that come by and read whatever shows up here. Still...
Anyways, enough of that stuff. Time to really complain about myself. I'm really dissappointed in what I did today. First off, I didn't get to learn CPR which sucked. Basically tried to drop in but couldn't since I had no cheques on me, and they couldn't take it because they were't supposed to handle the payments, had to be done through the University. Oh well... not a major biggie since I'll have other chances. Good news is I did get some studying done for my three lab finals this coming week. Yay! Now time for the crusher. Bad news is that I must admit to myself I have "fallen off" from studying at home. I can't seem to stay focused at home, whereas at University its slightly better. I was able to work at home last semester, but now it's an inability to take charge at studying. Today I played Starcraft, just wanting to play for a "bit". One game, lasting half an hour would be great. I FUCKING GET SUCKED IN FOR HOURS. FUCK. I'm supposed to be over this. It's frickin crunch time for everyone now, but I decide for myself to piss away valuable time. I can't even try to justify this with it being time to "unwind". Theres better ways for me now.
Alright, so a few of you guys know I gave up fast food. Well, now I'm going to give up videogames. Screw the playstation, N64, GC, and computer and so on. I'm so friggin done. I'm not going to uninstall the games since that would punish Keith and he doesn't deserve it (he eats poo by the way)... Sigh, a large portion of my life was spent gaming and now I'm just gonna chuck it. Perhaps when it is July or August I will retract this, or those one time "marathon game sessions". Yes, it's a loophole exception type thing but I cannot rescind the following statement until at least July: I will give up video games. I'm even gonna pass when someone says "you wanna try?" If I can't follow this, frick, I'm screwed anyways.
I feel a bit better now. Not much else to say now except Keith and I must do 70 pushups. That is all.
Thursday, March 25, 2004
So I just wrote an Economics mid term. Econ was not the hardest subject, but for some reason this mid term had my number on it. I didn't do too bad, but frick! My average walking into this midterm was 90, maybe a bit higher but getting a 70 brings it down to a risky 83. I say risky because my final is worth 45% and I wanted my margin of error to be high walking into it. Well, now I gotta work extra hard and try to make sure Econ gets me a 4.0 because I believe I'll need it.
As for physics... ah crap, I hope do better than I deserve. The sudden shift from Physics 30 material to waves has messed me up. Again, more work... sigh...
Right, Stats sucks. It's not even that hard. WTF!!
Anyhoo, I think I may be learning CPR this weekend. I do wish I had paid more attention in grade 10 and even got that thing recertified. It may appear as a waste of time and money, but I actually do want to know CPR and maintain my knowledge in it. I'll try to bring a notebook and write down the important stuff and again reiterate what I know. Who knows, maybe the thing I practiced for one day may come in handy. Of course, you are bound to lose such knowledge without proper repitition. But again, I do think knowing CPR will help. Perhaps if someone who was near my uncle was able to use such knowledge (I don't know the exact circumstances) then he could still be here...
Hmm.. not much else to add. It seems everyone has got finals and job prospects in the back of their mind. Here's hoping for a better update later on.
I hate Dallas...
Saturday, March 20, 2004
So the Oilers beat the Preds last night, and me and Del were there. Rexall was excited and completely behind their team. Despite the Oil being behind, the place didn't give up but kept on cheering. The game is all I can think about, it was great! The first period was blah and showed it would be a long night. Quick period by period summary for those who wanna know what I thought of the game.
First: The Oilers gave absolutely no faith to Ty Conklin. As soon as there was a possibility of a shot reaching goal, everyone dove in front causing a giant screen. He ended up facing around 2-3 shots, officially 2 but I remember seeing more. I remember one moment the Oilers collapsed and made a tent around Conklin and basically gave the Preds target practice.
Second: Nashville getting a bit more physical, as Jason "I go fast and but only straight" Chimera got rocked hard by a Pred. Rexall gave a huge "ooohh!" That was the hit of the night. But anyways, the Oilers get their first goal from Moreau who was not going to be denied, and everyone knew it. Of course, the Preds bounce back with one bleh goal, and one completely shitty one. Then, they get a 5 on 3 for almost a minute and a half. PK comes up big and we're down by one for the third.
Third: Period of the year!! The Oilers continued coughing up the puck, but you can credit Nashville for trying to be aggressive instead of sitting back. Whenever the Oilers set up behind the net, no Nashville players were at the red line, but instead in or near the Oiler zone. Friggin aggressive. But anyways, the Oil tied it 2-2, immediately get downed 3-2, then tie it, grab the lead at 4-3 and then lead Nashville tie it at 4-4. Then finally Ulanov slaps one in and soon everyone is leaning in or standing to watch the last minute of play. It was friggin intense, and Nashville came close a few times. In the end, the Oilers managed to get the puck out and Nashville was forced to ice the puck to get whistles, with the last icing occuring with 4.8 seconds left. Rexall went KrAzY for the icing call because we all knew, that was it.
Well, there was more and I was trying to be "quick". There wasn't really any highlight reel goals, and some were lucky like Walkers' 2-1 goal or Dvorak's behind the net off an ankle shot goal. There was also a bunch of moments where there were scrambles at the Nashville net, and no one knew what the hell was going on but hoping for the red light to go on. And one last night, the crossbar saved Ty Conklin. He would be lynched in the papers if not for the Predators hitting the crossbar in the last minute.
Well... that's all folks for now! Time to try to do homework...
Friday, March 19, 2004
Quick blog before I head to yet another Oilers game. This game is against Nashville, go Oil go!
Anyways, it's been a few days and not a whole lot to note. I did get to take over karate class for a bit and that's pretty much it. Oh yeah, University stuff blah blah blah.
Also, I met someone who is aiming to go into Rehab Med! Yay! Or not, since i'd be competing for spots w/ any case I'm getting ready for the game. Peace out!!
Oh yes, to anyone reading this go do sets of 20 for pushups, squarts, burpees, leglifts, and ah what the hell clap pushups too. You'll get a treat for accomplishing that, really!
Sunday, March 14, 2004
Today was cool because I got to go to the Oilers game today. We were kind of lucky in that our opponents (The Ottawa Senators) played yesterday at Vancouver. I was hoping they would beat Vancouver and expend energy and play generally pretty shitty today. They did, as although they missed the net 5-6 times, they generated a not so whopping number of 13 shots at Ty Conklin. I was suprised that Prusek played given that he just played yesterday. Haha, you suck Lalime... Well we got 2 games vs LA, we just need to win both those and win a game when they lose and we can be in! Just hope that St. Louis chokes too instead of taking that spot. But yes, one of the best Oiler games I've attended so far. Also, I should note, the Oil got a 3-1 lead in a must win and did not blow it!! Astonishing! Rexal Place was excited despite the "exciting style" of Ottawa, that retarded team. It looked like they still sat back even though they were behind by two. Good job guys..
Hehe, the other day me and Dev had a mini-debate over basketball vs. hockey. We were trying to change each other's minds, but overall nothing was resolved. But now, I gotta leave it to anyone who reads this. Hockey vs. Basketball! Dun dun dun!
Saturday, March 13, 2004
If anyone gets a chance, check out George Carlin's website at His "Rules to Live By" is undoubtedly the words of a divine being. Or a crackpot. Hm... not so undoubtedly now.
In any case, first year university is winding down. I gotta check out all the information to make sure I'm returning to University next year. I kind of took it for granted that I'm going back there next year. Hehe, wouldn't I feel like a dumbass if I couldn't go back because I didnt' re-apply. I did get an email about it, and hopefully I didn't delete it. Also, I think I may have finally decided that Occupational Therapy could be the way. I probably should go back to the faculty and get more info and hopefully I can get a Q & A going on with someone in that field. C'mon Chris, less talk more walk...
Hehe, just like in the end of grade 12, everyone now seems to be trying to give themselves a pep talk to get shit done as the year winds down. Well, then just gotta remember: The best time to do anything is NOW! Except for dying, or getting cancer.. or getting kicked in the balls so hard it hurts 3 days later....
Thursday, March 11, 2004
Although I was studying, I stopped at 10 something to go online for a bit. There, I find out that at Karate James got canned really bad. Not regular pain. We're talking like Motrin pain. I think it even goes beyond that. There is probably no scientific measure for this kind of pain. He tells me that walking, sitting, and well, existing hurts. If this was not blogworthy, then I have no fricking clue what is. To add to that, he says ah frick it must be swelling, then Larry goes, "pfft, you wish". Good times!
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
Brief recap of what has happened:
On Monday my English group presented our poem to the class. Very yay and half-hearted, but the poetry of our author was pretty good. Wow, did I just say poetry was good? I need to take a shower...
On Tuesday there was a stabbing at Cameron Library on University Campus. It's freaky to know this happened, I mean all the crime we know about is what we read in the Gateway about the repeat drunk poisoning or random guy masturbating at the LRT station. Never something serious as this. Apperently the victim was able to run to another building leaving a whole trail of blood. Freaky stuff....
Right now I gotta gear up for my chem 101 midterm. Didn't do so hot on the first one, trying to do a lot better on this one. I did set up an appointment with my prof, not exactly a waste of time but not exactly eye opening. Either way, it shows I got my work cut out for me. Just a few more weeks ^_^
Now that brings us to today, Wednesday. And what happened on Wednesday you ask? Ermm... a big fat whole nothing. Except for when I got home, Delia was already there and we haven't seen each other in a while so she wanted to look nice and did she! It was something out of those teen movies, where everything slows down and you got light shining over her.
In any case, I obviously don't really have much to say at this point so I'll shutdown for now. Oh yeah, do 50 pushups...
Sunday, March 07, 2004
While typing I had started off on a solemn tone, but then went on about something positive. I'll start with that. Saturday was pretty cool. Our family went to the Science Olympics to cheer on Keith and his team. I'm so proud of Keith, he's such a keener! Anyways, his team does pretty well, snatching 2 bronzes and 1 silvers out of 5 events. They end up overall 3rd out of 19 teams. Not too shabby! Take that Ainlay!! I saw some pretty cool things such as an event which required jr. high kids to build a projectile machine that could knock over tin cans. Most were catapaults, but there was some original ones like the "cow canon" and the "really weak looking slingshot thingy". They ended up doing a double elimination tournament which took almost forever. As for Keith, two of his events had to be pre-made. One was a to devise a mechanism to heat up water, of course theirs kinda broke down, but caught the silver (= The other was to build a land wind sail thingymabobber. In that event, I saw a group use CD's for wheels. Apperently, my dad says it'll work if done properly. CD's for friggin wheels.
Back to the tragedies of today. I won't be too specfici, as I may not be supposed to talk about this, but I do feel a need to. Apperently, one of my mom's coworkers passed away Earlier she told me while I was at her office of her. I think she was in a coma from a stroke. I'm not too sure. Later on my mom phoned another colleague to talk about this. A little while after I was told by a friend of an attack of a relative attacking 3 other relatives. It's sad to hear this, and the attacker was led to attack due to unstable mental condition. At least, it appears that way. This period of time has been surreal, dating back to my uncle's passing. I have never been struck by such tragedies, and these have shattered my feelings of "everything will be okay." For all involved and affected by these events, I hope for peace and recovery.
It kind of makes me think about English because I was trying to do my group project. I always complain about English being useless after trumping my so friggin sweet English diploma mark. If there was a conversation between faculties, it would go like this: *Faculty of Science: We're trying to develop ways to cure people with spinal injuries *Faculty of Engineering: We're trying to develop vechicles less reliant on fossil fuels *Faculty of English We um.. make poems and rhyme words and stuff. Please like us. Fine, DON'T!! We'll go brood and be depressing". Obviously I've got a little frustration against English, but I do think we all feel the value of English implicitly. It does help understand the aspects of our life that is not straight forward. English for me is often not meant to be straight forward, because life, not school courses, is like that. Maybe it will be of comfort to me while I think of the past events, and also my future as well.
Monday, March 01, 2004
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Ah crap, accidentally hit "back" while typing in this space. Yay...
Anyhoo, was playing Hockey on Friday night at the YMCA. It turned out to be $8 I think for each person to rent the thing out. All in all it was pretty cool, although somewhat disheartening to hafta play around people who could skate forwards AND backwards AND be able to stop... weee! Also, note to self, don't just think it's a friggin good idea to warm up, actually warm up!
After that I saw Looney Tunes: Back in Action. It held a valuable lesson as whenever something doesn't make sense, just say, meh, it's Looney Tunes. How was that valuable or a lesson you say? *throws Flashbang*
After viewing the majority of the blogs theres been a parade of complaining about University. Well, my part is going to stop. It's definitely put up or shut up time and despite everyone knowing this the excuse machine or the "please pity me" machine is running overtime. Of course, when hitting post secondary it's definitely not an easy transition and its not so fun to think, "well this does/could decides the rest of my adult life as I know it, and it would sure suck to blow it."
Well, that 'lil spiel will be it for now seeing as I need to attend to other matters. Like assigning you 50 pushups. Good day.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Not really gonna type about what I've been doing, it hasn't been too much. I guess I can mention the evil of Gunbound. Stupid game, got me hooked for a little while and really helped me piss away my time. Video games are cool, but the rewards you get from a game pale in comparison from the rewards of... anything else important. I've pretty much stopped playing it, likely because I found myself sitting Monday morning at 2 a.m. trying to finish an essay due that day. Friggin Gunbound, but on a side note Delia finds the avatars for the girl character really cute!
Hmm, here's a quick story. Me and Del weren't sure of what to get for Vday, sooooo I fatefully actually walked into SUB at the University and saw they had Oiler tickets for $40. Now, usually these seats are near $50 so I thought sweet!! I run the idea by Del and it's a go, unfortunately the ideal game (vs. Vancouver on Sat) was sold out, and it's a shame because I watched it and it was really exciting. The backup game was Monday, vs. Detroit. Welll that turned out not so cool, because there were only three tickets left, one with seat 8, 9, and 11. So I grab the tickets with seat number 8 and 9, but of course a few days later when I show Del she geniously points out this out to me:
Ticket 1: Seat 8, Section 208, ROW 36
Ticket 2: Seat 9, Section 209, ROW 37
I head back to SUB a few days later to try to exchange tickets. First, this guy says, well it's tough to exchange these tickets, as this game is tomorrow. Um.. dude, the game is on Monday, today is Friday. Then he tries to give me an analysis that these tickets are better than trying to get the other Detroit game tickets, as we might be seperated by a seat if someone decides to stay and sit there. I or Delia could in front of the other, and that would make it really damn easy to talk! In the end, a nice lady decides I can exchange them and I decide the best day is Friday, March 19th against the Nashville Predators. That one should be good providing we're still in the playoff race, although we haven't beaten them yet. I also expect it to be fight filled, hehe.
Well, the first day back after Reading week blew. I get my Chem term test #1 and I totally ate it. Like "aww feel better your'll do better (no your not retard!) bad." I haven't gotten this bad on an important exam for a long time. My other marks are pretty good, Econ and Physics being relatively high, but then again the distribution of the marks are in the high end. As for Stats, well I got decent but I wish I haven't made mistakes on it, seeing as it was only 20 multiple choice, getting 15/20. But chem... well I'm not entirely sure what I did wrong but I hope to improve it. I'm definitely going to try harder for that. I will do much better and wipe this mark out on the next one.
Labs suck, I gotta try harder on those things.
I really need to talk to a "Science Advisor" (somewhat like a guidance counsellor) but for some reason I keep avoiding it. Its like I'm scared of it, but I badly need to go. I don't really have a desire to stay in the Faculty of Science so I need some sort of plan. I don't know what I want to do, but maybe I'll take a gander at Occupational Therapy, Education, of Phys. Ed. Yes, I typed the word gander..
Hmm I think that's about it for now. Oh one last thing, I'm going to avoid going onto MSN Messenger. I'll log on on the weekends, but really I think using my email and the blogs is a way to communicate online. The people I mostly talk to on MSN are the ones with blogs anyways, so besides the weekends no msn! That is all, now drop and give me 50!