Tuesday, June 29, 2004


Well here comes yet another really late blog from the last date. Oh well! In any case, not much happening although I finally quit College Pro! Yay! At the moment Maggie is helping me get into 7-11 and we'll see how that works. Man, work sucks! Its the scheduling and all. I still am not finished driving lessons quite yet, but counting road test thats around the 10th of July. Also, we are hoping to goto California from July 24-31st!! This finally means a visit to DISNEYLAND and Universal Studios!!!!! That may mean missing Kdays, but c'mon, I'm going to the friggin HAPPIEST PLACE ON EARTH!But yeah, that could be a hindrance in scheduling. But yes, damn work and money. Sigh... and before you know it money goes bye bye!

Delia went to England... sigh.. its going to be a long month. She did arrive there safe and sound as I got an email from her. However, it seems that they get charged per minute to use the internet over there. That gets a massive WTF?! from me. I don't want her to cause an increase in their billing over there but I'm not sure what else can be done. Maybe I should steal Ryan's X-box idea... but that would mean getting a game console and Halo 2. Delia, come home soon!

No, that doesn't really sum up the days from last update. *Insert random Diablo 2 expansion playing time*. There, that about does it. Stupid game! But really, it doesn't... ¬_¬

Anyways, thats all for now. Next time I update, who knows? Certainly not me. 'Till next time, peace out!

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