Thursday, December 16, 2004


Well I'm going to follow the tradition of everyone else with the blogging before studying thing. Yay. First with good news! I got some Edmonton Road Runners hockey tickets vs. the Hamilton Bulldogs for Dec. 20. We basically sit next to the visitors bench! Normall y these tickets are $39, but the EIG decided to buy all the tickets and resell them for charity at $4 each. The downside is me and Keith don't actually next to each other, we actually sit with one of us a row below and in front of the other (so rows 1 and 2). But they are aisle seats anyways, so its gonna be cool to be sitting up against the glass in a hockey game.

In regards to everyone who's weighed in on the whole exams and what they've done... its my turn! I feel like I've sabotaged myself but all I can do now is study (...err.. in a minute!) and learn from it for the future.


1 comment:

Larry said...

RWAR indeed..