Tuesday, August 03, 2004

So its official, Gameboy SP has been bought. Yay! Although ownership is officially Keiths, generally we share everything or threaten to do something to the other. Stupid stuff you know, like jumping on the other when hes sleeping or settings things on fire. Great fun!

Anyways, on to Seaworld!

To get to Seaworld we had to get to San Diego. For this, we booked seats on a tour bus. Remember, we're staying in Anaheim. Anyways, a few hours later we arrived to our destination. We wouldn't have nearly as much time as we spent at Disneyland, but we managed to do have a good time. Right away we went onto their river ride. If you've ever seen that commercial where you have a bunch of people sitting inside this octagonish floating thingy going down river, you may know what I'm talking about. We went on a similar ride at DCA. Anyways, if you're really baffled I can direct you to a better description later. After that, we went to get lunch and I remember it being really filling despite the food portion looking small. See, thats what happens when you get real food (Frickin McDonalds...).

Right after we lined up for their "Arctic Ice" attraction. First off, they had a ride similar to the ride "Back to the Future" at Universal Studios, except the vehicle of choice is a helicopter in the Arctic. Wait, is it Arctic or Artic? Ah whatever.... it was one of those motion rides. Afterwards, you "arrived" at back at their "arctic station." You exited on the other side which led to a base camp that would try to lead you to think that you were indeed in an Arctic base. It was pretty cool, and my dad got some pictures of Seals. Yep, he used flash photography... haha stupid animals!

Next up was penguins!! Yep, those cuddly cute little things. They're always so innocent! Except for that time in Batman Returns when The Penguin strapped rocket launchers to their backs. Otherwise, these flightless birds are always fun to watch. Next exhibit?! SHARKS! Well, we saw manatees or some other thing, but no one cares about that. Sharks!! At one point, they placed a tunnel through the shark tank. Then they placed a conveyor belt to keep people moving so that everyone could go through the tunnel and watch all the sharks. Sadly, I didn't get to see any Sharks eat the small fish.

We saw some more things but next was one of the main events! Ever heard of Shamu?? Wellll hes one of three in a family of killer whales! He and his other parents playfully (or forcefully) perform for the crowd, splashing those in the front row. The hilight of the show? They brought out a kid volunteer, and told him to do actions so that Shamu could mimic him. Then, they told the kid to do an action so that Shamu would go and greet the kids dad. Try to picture the tank, and the kids dad next to the tank putting his cheek against it. He did so because he thought Shamu would give a kiss through the glass. Yeah, anyways, hes a frickin Killer Whale. He comes up and does a huge back flip and his 2 tons of mass splashes down and soaks everyone in the first 10 rows or so. Somewhere, my dad has a pretty cool picture of a backflip of Shamu.

Afterwards we watched a show involving two seals interacting with human actors. This show is much more difficult to describe, but the best moment was when the seal was supposed to drag a dummy off the stage. Unfortunately, the dummy's arm snapped off, and the seal dragged only that off. There was a dummy because one of the actresses "exploded" through the air, and since you don't explode people for the sake of a seal show.... Anyways, she comes back and goes... ah shit! She runs back off stage and tells one of the other actors to pick her up. So he runs on stage and goes, "How you doing??" Then he goes to pick up the dummy, and rips off its other arm! He just scoops everything up and runs off. Heehee!

There were a few things in Seaworld but these are the main highlights.

Next up: Universal Studios!

*I should probably get an account at webshots and put up pics*

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