Sunday, October 24, 2004


So why haven't I been blogging lately? I haven't had any exams...

Anyhoo, for the most part, its all quiet on the western front. Just some internal ups and downs that are pretty similar to the other things that have been said in other blogs. Wow, I really have nothing to talk about. I could talk about how the burglary...burger...bur.... some frickin alarm went off at CAB on Saturday. But really, where would the point be in that?

One thing I have been wondering is how much control do we have of our lives? The courses of Sociology and Psychology have gotten me thinking. Lately I've been introduced to how we develop, and I just wonder how different things could be for all of us. At first, its things that are influenced by society. How would differences in the TV shows, or how our parents treated us change us? Again, along the developmental line. Then my line of thought changed into our actions. How would our situation be different had we done certain things differently at certain points?

Is there anything you wished you could go back and change? Or is this question pointless, because none of us can go back in time. If anybody asked me if I in my short 18 years of life had any regrets, I would say yes. I wish I had put myself on the line more. Meaning, I wished I had taken certain risks or more control of a situation. But hey, as much as there were regrets, there were also some good decisions. Heres to hoping the good outnumber the bad.

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