Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Haven't really gotten around to this for a while but I'll just talk on what's recent. On Friday I got majorly sick! It was sick! I had this nasty fever which followed constant shivering. It was difficult to sleep until around 4'ish or so. Saturday was basically spent recuperating and at night studying for Psychology. I don't remember having headaches that bad. Anyways, Sunday was a study day, for around 8 or so hours, maybe less.

Monday, back to school... well my headache ceased by my cough is just brutal when it's cold. I just get these nasty fits time to time, and it would also give me a headache. I got through the day but couldn't wait for it to end.

Tuesday, event of the day, besides the Psych midterm that is, is that I got a nosebleed at the start of my Math 113 lab. I got it to stop and finished up but some blood got onto my shirt )=

Later that day I went to the doctor's because my parents wanted to make sure I didn't have anything serious. After I took off my jacket and sweater, Doc saw the bloodstain an asked, and got the answer. He told me basically, just stick some vaseline up my nose and it should help. Thanks Doc.

Anyhoo, that's all for now, peace out!

Price is a function of Demand. I think.

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