Friday, November 14, 2003

Well, it's only four days later so it's not like I've been ignoring this place. Everytime I think I have time to update here, it seems I go and do something just a little bit more useless. (= On a sidenote, man, Kevin's blog is super nuts. I mean it. It's not just ordinary, run of the mill nuts, it's super nuts...

Anyways, I'm kinda dissappointed that I didn't get a whole lot done over the long weekend. I still hafta finish my bio lab report and start studying for my second economics midterm, which would should be called a two-thirds term. It shall be a busy weekend, of course I'll start it all tomorrow ;)

By the way, last night I got to attend a Bryan Adams concert with my mom. She wanted to go for her birthday and it seemed no one else would go, which was suprising, so we went. It was a great concert with although it's not completely my type of music, the atmosphere was incredible and Adams put on a solid effort. He seemed genuinely in there for the music on this given night. It was mesmerising when he started "Everything I do", I think that although that was the most cheesy part of the night, it was probably the best.

Anyhoo, Sharkie is doing... well I have no friggin idea. My parents went out and got a type of fish food, a flake type of thing, and hopefully he'll start eating it. Interesting to note, my mom told me that my dad got excited and wanted to get a large fish tank and get "nice fish". Of course, that idea got nixed but it made me realize that my dad can really like to spend on us. Certain things will make him less rational than usual, but I think that's because he just wants to lavish us all time to time.

I think that's all for now, no real commentaries on what's happened to me. Oh yeah, before I forget, I had a lab that was scheduled today, Friday night, from 6 pm to 9 pm. I ended up leaving at 8, but that was so incredibly lame. Of course, we did spend a good portion discussing the Matrix. My T.A. is in love with those movies, so we got to talking about it (=

Moral of the day is: Robots and guns, what more could you possibly ask for?

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