Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Hey hey! It's been a while since I've blogged! Actually, a week! Things have been alright. I think I only got mid 80's on my mid term, but I was aiming for higher than that. I'll have to go over the exam with someone later. Meanwhile, I got my English essay back. Only a B-. That is not what I'm used to getting, so I'll hafta improve on that and really work on the next one. But good news, I got an 82 on my Bio lab report! Much better than I thought, and I hope to really improve on that mark next time by starting on it much earlier and not at the last moment.

Still haven't got my math midterm yet, but that may come back tomorrow. I need to start studying for Psych as there seems to be yet another exam for it next Tuesday. Can't get complacent, hopeefully I'll be able to beat the other mark. Not much else happening in school, but... IT FRICKING SNOWED!! NOOOO!

Sharkie won't eat, and I'm tempted to buy some kind of other food but that may not be completely convinient. I should probably look up on how to take care of the guy. Not only that, but actually act on it.

Finally saw Hulk, and I gotta say, what the fudge is with the ending?? It seemed unnecessary and retarded. Oh well, but I may get to see Kill Bill this upcoming weekend (=

Shoulder bags really suck, why do I still have one?

I hate my Econ teacher. Unfortunately, when I look at the decision of whether to punch her in the face or not, the marginal cost exceeds the marginal benefit. Well I would never resort to something like that, but she's pretty frustrating.

Not much to say for now, so peace out!

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