Thursday, March 01, 2007

Music Explored

By the way, youtube is so awesome. Here is my youtube music link of the week! Its the Foo Fighters concert at Hyde Park in front of 85, 000 people. There is supposed to be a DVD of this but I haven't been able to find it at any stores here.

I read Dev's blog about music and thought I would post something. Music is interesting because of so many different things. Its amazing just how many different genres and sub genres are. Would it be possible to be listen to every single type of music out there?

Something I found interesting and that I remember reading is that it is the melody of the song that really hooks people in. Dev was even saying that the lyrics broken down without the melody have no meaning. This is what I think made bands like the Beatles endure. It wasn't really their lyrics or instrument playing early on, although these would improve immensely. They were able to come up with tons and tons of pop melodies. I think that is how during their "invasion" they managed to live up to their ridiculus hype, with their songs sounding different although admittedly saying the same thing. Maybe its me but it seems that now with bands their songs say the same thing and sound too similar melodically.

Music is also interesting because there is a lot of structure behind it. When I was looking up the lyrics to the Beatles song Eleanor Rigby (just listen to the song) I found this site which gives a bit of analysis on the song. When you click the link for further analysis, it really just stops making sense. It is kind of funny how art such as literature and music can be created so naturally by few and yet the best the rest can do is try to dissect it to some level of understanding.

As well, Dev mentioned how influential music is. Although nowadays its a full package. Its the music video, ideals of the artist, and what their supposed genre is supposed to be. When Guns 'n Roses (song is Civil War) exploded, hair metal was everywhere! And of course you cannot forget the riots associated with their concerts. So I guess when the songs you like are from gangster rap to drug addled rock stars you need to seperate the song from the artists.

Well, I guess thats it for this post. I managed to quickly talk about melody and thats really all I wanted to do. Last music link is going to relate back to the first link. Its yes, Everlong at Hyde Park for those that aren't going to look at the top link. Just imagine being in that place, 85, 000 strong. I could only imagine the atmosphere...


¤mãggîê¤ said...

oOoOo.... purdy new layout!!! =) change inspired by me? ^_~ heehee

anyways... music is sooo influential. something. both words and melody of it is important. sometimes i listen to songs closely and the lyrics may have a meaning that's very identifiable to some listeners... like love songs.. or breakup songs.. etc etc..

¤mãggîê¤ said...

new addy----> =)

Devin said...

Yeah music definitely has an underestimated power on people. It's not surprising that the music industry is as big as it is.