Monday, October 04, 2004


Why am I still up?? It makes no sense to still be up. I should be heading to sleep. But since when have I proven to be an avid practicer of rationalism? Anyways, I had gathered some quotes by various people and here are some of them. Some words of inspiration and humor is a decent kick in the butt to get you moving sometimes.

*I don't actually know if these are all real quotes or what context they are in*

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.
- Mother Teresa

I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.
George S. Patton

I may be drunk, Miss, but in the morning I will be sober and you will still be ugly.
Winston Churchill

I'm a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.
-Thomas Jefferson

If you only ever give 90% in training then you will only ever give 90% when it matters
-Michael Owen

My wife made me a millionaire. I used to have three million.
-Bobby Hull
Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
~ Warren Buffett

** Chris question of the moment #2**

What is the first thing I gave Delia?

a) A bracelet
b) flowers
c) pushups
d) a card
e) a movie coupon


Joanne said...

pushups! cause they're just so damn romantic. but what was the answer to the first q?

Ryan said...

What's the difference between Calgary and a bra? A bra has two cups! Yeak, I know I totally ripped that one off of The Gateway...

Chris said...

I think that joke has been around ever since Edmonton needed something to belittle Calgary when we were out of comebacks.

Edmonton: WE HAVE 5 CUPS!! WE HAVE 5 CUPS!!
Calgary: We have efficient public transportation
Edmonton: ?
Calgary: We hosted the Olympics, which is much bigger than the World Track and Field games
Edmonton: ?
Calgary: We've got the Calgary Tower, and Olympic Park
Edmonton: ... We had Wayne Gretzky!
Calgary: ... ok, this is stupid, FINE... *cries*

Devin said...

I was not aware that a city had the ability to cry. I wonder if that also goes for states? Cause I know if I were Texas, I'd be crying from all of the fat people that lived on me.

Larry said...

Push ups =)
I'd cry if I was a statue because you can't move and bird poop on you and they sit on you all the time

Ryan said...

While the Olympics is big, it's a one-time thing. Edmonton hosts major sporting events like the World Track and Field championships all the time, including many major triathalons we never hear about at all. Of course, we've got a long history of sports teams, and we have a thriving athletic scene we never hear about. The difference between Edmonton and Calgary in regards to the olympics is that Calgary has mountains right nearby and we don't -- so we'll never get the olympics for that reason alone. People can say whatever they want about Edmonton, but I still prefer it to the other, jam packed 'major' cities I've been to.

Anonymous said...

flowers!!! (o.o) i dunno... question #2?! what was question #1?! anyways... nice quotes dude. =P

Ryan said...


¤mãggîê¤ said...

*lol* shiet.... er... that "anonymous" was me btw. =D