Sunday, December 17, 2006


Quick update for now...

Its funny how we percieve things while exams are running. Well, at least its what happens to me. Like when I'm trying to study, all of a sudden the room is just too damn cold. Or the the chair is too wooden. Or this table is too high. Oh, now my pen just doesn't have enough ink. You get the point, but anyways exams have ended and we're into the holiday season...

Anyways, what am I up to lately? Well, its been pretty much working at Sears and, some exercise, and sleeping. One thing I would like to get done during this holiday season is donate some of my old jackets and clothing away. I have just a load of stuff that I don't use and could definitely be put to better use. If anyone wants to also donate some of their older stuff, we'll see what places my family normally goes to and maybe do a quick run...

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