Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Rec Leagues

To anyone that actually reads this, I'm wondering if there would be any interest in forming a team for a rec league? Right now I occasionally play with a floor hockey team in the Edmonton Sport and Social Club and its pretty fun. In this league, the emphasis is on fun first and winning second, while in a competitive and structured context.

So I'm wondering if anyone is up for that in some upcoming season? It will probably be for the summertime or so, but they have a number of sports. The main ones being floor hockey, flag football, and basketball. The other league I found real quickly on a search was the Edmonton Rec League. Of course, the downsides are the time commitments, that the location or timing may be less than ideal, and the cost of the teams. In the ESSC the cost I think is $490 per team to register. I think generally the ideal number for any team is to have ten people, then its $49 each. Something to think about...

Also, one last link. I thought this is one of the coolest combination of songs ever. Check it out.

1 comment:

¤mãggîê¤ said...

solly.. i'm not very active when it come sto sports!!

=) btw.. nice seeing you again the other day on the bus. ttyl!!!!