Thursday, June 02, 2005

Quick update...

I guess a quick update on my happenings would be a good starting point for this blog. So lets get straight to it...

My city job ended May 28th, so now I'm just sitting around the house and one week has nearly passed. Unfortunately, I still have to wait for another paycheque to roll in, and I kinda have to cross my fingers that my hours didn't get screwed up. I'm already missing 10 hours, thanks payroll! Well, I'll be positive on this one and I figure things will work out.

The weekend right after was another public library book sale. The prices went like this: Hardcover is $2, and softcover is $0.50. I got some sports books (I now have a bunch of books about the Oilers of the 80's, one co-authored by Kevin Lowe...), some Tom Clancy stuff, CPR/first aid books, and other stuff I can't remember all too well. I also ended up later picking up Michael Durant's book from Chapters. If you've ever watched Black Hawk Down (somewhat a spoiler coming up) Durant is a helicopter pilot that ends up getting shot down and captured. This book is a bit about his career and the 11 days he spent captive. It was a decent book but I just didn't like something about it.

Just today Maggie and I went to St. John's Ambulance center (place??) to register for a Standard First Aid and CPR course. Its slated for June 21st and 22nd. If anyone else wants to come out for it or maybe more info, just give me a shout...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Chris is jobless... does that make you a bum!? ^___^