Thursday, April 21, 2005

Exams are almost over!

Kinda funny how my longest blog in a while has nothing to do with me or anything that actually revolves around me. Right now I only have one exam left, then I'm done with the school year. Oh yeah, with the PrideFC event coming up, just gotta say that Kazushi Sakuraba is still the best!

Well, thats not totally true, I still have some school worries, but theres no more studying involved. Man, I don't know how I'm going to deal with the outcomes of my exams. I'll be checking my email for my grades with my head half turned away. I guess I'll slowly inch my eyes and see the initial shape of the letter.

I've been thinking about contact lens. Its a thought that comes to me every so often, but I never really felt the need to get them. Well, its come back again and it would be kinda nice not to have to wear glasses. Also, wearing my glasses starts to irritate me every so often. Another benefit may be during times when I'm participating in a sport activity (like our football outings) but maybe just wearing the glasses with the head tie thing is good enough. What d'yall think?

So what is everyone's current plans in May? Mine is pretty simple. I am again working as a City of Edmonton employee with a Monday to Friday schedule from 8 to about 4:30. This starts May 4th and ends before the month is over. Wow, I just realized there are quite a few birthdays in May. Off the top of my head there is Dev, Ranald, Maggie, and uh... I either don't remember, or don't get invited (jerks!).

I'm just gonna quickly end off the a comment aobut the movie A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe that Larry mentioned. The movie looks like it'll be a lot of fun. check out the trailers at Apple and look for it under Touchstone (The movie studios are in alphabetical order).

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Sorry, I forgot to even comment or anything about your last blog. Massive blog for such a small question! It was interesting, though...
Contacts: Go to your optometrist and mention you want to try them. Usually, they will teach you how and even give you a free pair to try out. It takes a while to get used to touching your eyeball, but you eventually relax and realize that your eye isn't as sensitive as you thought. Once you get around the blink reflex, it's not too bad. I have some problems with dry/irritated eyes when I wear my contacts, especially when I don't get enough sleep. But a lot of people don't have problems, so try them out! I like them... but my eyes don't.