Music is certainly a unique medium that is used to deliver various emotions and thoughts. One of the principal instruments used in music is well, the title of this blog, the guitar. This instrument is really an astounding thing and I'm quite glad I picked it up, even though it was really just a distraction from studying (and a free hobby as my dad was the one who spent the big bucks on the gear).
What really amazed was how a whole bunch of us have recently picked up a guitar! (Dammit you guys, I'm not special anymore...) Its really neat how unique playing the guitar is as well, as everyone will play slightly different. I saw some things that totally don't work for me work for someone else. As well, it is interesting to see that everyone has a different guitar. Of course, I don't know if we'll get into it that much, but we'll probably start noticing the different sounds each other's guitars can make and which songs they suit and so on.... Yeah okay, who's kidding who? The main reason to learn guitar is to impress girls... they'll be all like "oh this song's for me!" to notice the sound sucks or doesn't work with the song.
Anyways, I'm probably going to pick up a new guitar and in all likelihood it will be the one pictured in here. It is a Tanglewood TW 155-ST. Yeah, I know, means a lot huh? I'm pretty excited about it and hopefully will get to show it off soon.