Friday, April 28, 2006

Well, that sucked

Blah, today I went to school for almost no reason. You see, in my program I have to select 5 modules out of a wide variety of topics (such as "Sexuality in rehabilitation to Splinting). So I went to school thinking, "Yay I'm going to knock off another one of the 5." But then it got cancelled. Weee! The kicker is that I had an contact lens appointment scheduled for that time but I had to move it. By the way, I did have an appointment even before that one. I have to goto another one because I could not insert the stupid f*cking contacts into my eyes (why did I censor myself?). It was almost a waste but I ended up signing up for a module sometime in June.

Oh yeah, also saw Silent Hill. My impression of this movie actually goes against the title of this blog entry. I didn't think this movie was as bad as indicated by movie critics, but I can understand why they scored the movie they way they did. However, I am convinced that the director thought it would be a good idea to tell the actors to base their performances off the CGI scenes from the video game...

Okay, time to put this one to bed. I thought I'd finish with what I thought was an interesting quote...

Chris Martin on "The Scientist": "That's just about girls. It's weird that whatever else is on your mind, whether it's the downfall of global economics or terrible environmental troubles, the thing that always gets you most is when you fancy someone."

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Movies suck!

Take a look at the top box office moneymakers at It is just astounding to see that of the top ten, only three of them collected generally positive reviews. Now granted, something like Scary Movie 4 is going to get panned by the critics but just wow, it is astonishing (but not suprising) the level of suck that is going on in the theaters.

I had been hoping that Silent Hill had gotten some positive reviews. While doing some quick reading, I also found something else interesting. I took this passage from Roger Ebert's review of Silent Hill.

"Dr. Shlain made the most interesting comment on the panel. He said they took some four and five year-olds and gave them video games and asked them to figure out how to play them without instructions. Then they watched their brain activity with real-time monitors. "At first, when they were figuring out the games," he said, "the whole brain lit up. But by the time they knew how to play the games, the brain went dark, except for one little point."

Kind of explains the whole too much video games makes your brain go dumb dumb thing...

But anyways.. about Silent Hill! Who wants to watch it Monday? Even though its gotten a bit crushed in the reviews, it apparently has a good atmosphere and setting to the movie. The visuals are supposed to be fairly impressive and that alone can set a really good mood. I'm hoping that reviews have some kind of negative video game bias and that affected the reviews. I would liken what I've read about the movie to something along seeing a really pretty girl's face and then being snapped back into reality when you actually hear what she sounds like. It would be like Jennifer Aniston with the voice of Fran Drescher (spelling?). Now that is a truly horrifying thought...

Alas, it is time for some more studying. Well, I've just got to power through and look for the light at the end of the tunnel...

Monday, April 10, 2006


I've got a bellringer test tomorrow, oh what fun that will be. For those that don't know what it is, I have an exam for my cadaver lab. There will be 50 stations where you have a minute and 15 seconds to identify muscles and such on various specimens. Well, after that I've got to start studying hardcore for my finals. Sigh, its that time of year where everything feels like its swamping you. Ah well, gotta work through it because I just have to. Good luck to everyone studying up for finals, and curse that awesome spring weather laughing at me...