Monday, March 28, 2005

Not much to say

Man, I just want to buy some games for the Gamecube. I would like to grab EA's Fight Night round 2, or the new Donkey Konga game! I guess I should probably worry about exams however... blaaaaaah!

Keith is at China, and my dad came back for last week, but now during Spring Break its just my mom and I. It'll be a quiet week for sure. Everytime the phone rings, she's hoping its Keith so that she can get an update. Also, we think he got ripped off when he bought his phone card. Or its an excuse not to have to keep calling home. Either way, just friggin call home for 5 minutes Keith!! FRICK! (=

So right now is that calm before final exams. I'm trying to prepare in advance, doing bits of studying here and there instead of trying to catch up immediately. I just need to stay positive and finish strong at exams. I wish my gpa was a bit higher so I could have a higher margin of error but ah well... one good thing was that an exam mark I thought was a percentage mark was actually a raw score. Yeah, its actually not a huge improvement, but it just shows I didn't get killed as bad as I thought.

Not much else going on for interests sake, except that I'm just keeping the usual tabs on the sport "mixed martial arts." The Ultimate Fighter finale is April 9th, and the following Saturday April 16th is UFC 52. Also, on April 23rd is Pride Fighting Championship's Middleweight Grand Prix tournament. PFC is a Japanese fight company that is great at hyping events, however they have a less sport based approach. I mean, the tournament has 16 fighters but they didn't even list the full lineup yet. But basically, April is a fight filled month.... oh wait... final exams... crap! And I just talked about finals the paragraph before this one...

Alright, I have nothing to add at the moment. Peace out!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

So how can you tell its not final exams yet? Nobody's really blogging consistently. =D

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Life is short

It looks like blogging is kinda dying. The people that do post get no response, and then its like... ah screw it. Anyhoo, I should be going to sleep, but I just felt like typing something up. I should be going to sleep as I have another exam tomorrow. Not a whole lot that is new to report, but I think I'm one of many that is looking forward to those Monday Night Sport nights. Just holding out until I finish the term.

Oh yeah, an epiphany for training. For drilling things like counters or sidesteps, I've tried to guess way too much on whats coming forward. Thats not very good because its a drill with an either or outcome. Basically, you've got 50% to dodge the right way, or the wrong. Instead, I should rely more on a read and react. Don't predict and move before its coming, but rather see it, and move. I gotta stop myself if all I'm doing is jumping the gun and guessing. Anyways...

Onto the blog title..

A few nights ago Larry told me that Andre Poon passed away in a car crash. Some of you may know who he is. Anyways, I didn't know him that well, and wasn't on the best terms either. He was only 20, thats only a year older. I recently saw him a few weeks ago at a dinner, and now I won't anymore. Since I'm fairly removed, this hasn't really hit me emotionally hard. However, it does me make think over a few things. Some of us will be turning that age real soon, and that part just really impacted me.

Another one is the driving itself, that it only takes a whopping total of one accident to change your life.

Now, it isn't as if I've found new found meaning and discovered a new way to live. But you get to thinking, its only a matter of when before its your time. Way back, someone sent me a note after her grandma died. Basically, the note said she liked me, and although she couldn't be with me she at least wanted to say something (I was with Delia at the time already). She said life was too fragile, and she felt she should say something rather than nothing. I don't think I reacted all that much, but I really admired that. That took a lot of guts, and I don't know if I could do that. Its a lot easier to sit there and think what could have, as opposed to risking something and going for it. Right now that comes back to mind. There are things I want to go for, but don't for whatever reason I sit back. It could be something as simple as changing a course, but I don't because my schedule is set and I like it the way it is.

I had more to say, but I should probably get to sleep.

RIP Andre