Monday, November 22, 2004

Aloha! Lets try to kickstart this blog off on a positive note. It seems like such a struggle sometimes to have a string of posts that aren't downers.

On the weekend, our family went to dim sum at Good Buddy with my mom's friend. My moms friends name is Francis, and her daughter is Grace. Their family just recently moved here to Edmonton. Yay!! I don't know if they've ever experienced winters before, but come December they are in for a suprise!

Here is a picture of us at our house. Isn't she cute?! Yeah, in she wouldn't smile in any of the pictures. But like all little kids (that aren't yours) her smiles would just melt you. Posted by Hello

Anyways, it is almost December which means finals! As the semester nears an end, I kinda look back at the courses I've taken. By the way, has anyone started studying for finals? It is so not gonna be fun. I was supposed to be catching up this week, but yeah hasn't happened yet. >=( I better change that very soon.

I had intended this blog to be longer, but the rest of what I would say wouldn't flow well. Not that it usually does, but I'm gonna post this now rather than later. (=

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

So when do we get to say its the holiday season!? Its almost Christmas!!!

Anyways, at the moment I feel pretty rejuvenated. Yay for Project Halo 2! It was a good time, although anytime you got stuck on the small T.V. you just had to fight the urge to complain. After all, its not like most of us brought a TV. Yes, it was a week ago that PH2 happened, but how often does it happen? Major kudos to Ryan for setting this thing up! The days that we can get that many people for events like that are slowly dwindling. It hasn't gotten to that point where back in high school everyone was writing "good luck on the rest of your life and may you reach your dreams etc..." Meaning, we haven't all yet gone completely on our own paths. But it does seem that I only see certain people whenever we have a certain event to hang out. Or if I randomly happen upon someone while taking a bus. Otherwise I wouldn’t be seeing a lot of people.

In other news, motivation has seemingly hit an all time low. I've been hitting emotional ups and downs throughout the week, being angry for a moment, then trying to play X-mas songs on the piano. Anyways, I remember Vic saying during Dev's one acts back in high school how sometimes its just a feeling of the world against you. Thats the bottom line, and its very powerful. Perhaps you should know better, but that doesn't make you feel better. Which leads me to the movie Dodgeball. Vince Vaughn's character is going to skip out on a championship dodgeball game. He's feeling down in the dumps, and is the captain of his team. Rather than turning to his teammates, he takes the easy way out ("You may not know what $50 000 looks like in real life... it sorta looks like this..") and tries to catch a flight at the airport. While there, he meets up with none other than Lance Armstrong who despite facing multiple cancers manages to win the Tour de France a record 6th time in a row! "But hey, I'm sure you've got a good reason to quit."

Yeah, that had a lot more relevance in my head than how it appears. Anyways, bottom line for me is that its okay to feel down in the dumps, everyones been there. Just don't beat yourself up for feeling that way as well. We've got a good network of friends who are definitely willing to be a shoulder to lean on. That itself is a very reassuring thing. Thanks to those that you made that very clear a month ago.

Now to end off on a more positive note. What is your favourite Christmas carol? Mine is Winter Wonderland! If you don't have one, or don't even like Christmas... well I really don't know what to say to that.

Saturday, November 13, 2004

"You have lost the lead..."

Thursday, November 11, 2004

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe;
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

- John McCrae

Monday, November 01, 2004

Ahoy shipmates! Yeh' be travelling the dark waters of me blog now...

Another month bites the dust and onto November, the month before Christmas. So what has happened lately? Well, yet again I'm putting off reading for my midterms. Man, I'm so smart. Considering that I did relatively poorly on my last midterm, you'd think I'd just be kicking myself to get moving. Hm... I'm hungry, I should eat some chips.

Yay for Christmas! I'm actually looking forward to it this time. I've actually been feeling like a grinch for the past few years. I didn't really like Christmas past the "I get stuff" before, and I just hated the commercial aspect of it. I think I have changed my tune though. X-Mas should be the season where you don't look forward to it because you get school off, its because its the time of the year you gotta remember whats important. You could argue that it shouldn't take Christmas to do it, but its the one part of the year dedicated to making you feel a spirit of some sort. Treat Christmas right, and you'll have a good time. By the way, Delia and I broke up...

I couldn't really think of another way to put it out or let it be known. Ah well. I do miss her and feel sad, but it seems for a while this was where we were going. At times, I wonder if we should have tried harder or not, but I think this is the best decision for now. We've been a lot friendlier in the times we've talked in a very long time. We did agree though, at the very beginning when we went out, that no matter what, we would at the very least stay friends. I'm happy to say that that has happened. There are no ill feelings (although she's keeping one of my sweaters... :S). Yeah, she does have a part of me for life now, we spent too much time together. For me, it doesn't hurt to look back at our memories, I like to remind myself of our time. She'll always mean a lot to me and I hope she knows that.