So when do we get to say its the holiday season!? Its almost Christmas!!!
Anyways, at the moment I feel pretty rejuvenated. Yay for Project Halo 2! It was a good time, although anytime you got stuck on the small T.V. you just had to fight the urge to complain. After all, its not like most of us brought a TV. Yes, it was a week ago that PH2 happened, but how often does it happen? Major kudos to Ryan for setting this thing up! The days that we can get that many people for events like that are slowly dwindling. It hasn't gotten to that point where back in high school everyone was writing "good luck on the rest of your life and may you reach your dreams etc..." Meaning, we haven't all yet gone completely on our own paths. But it does seem that I only see certain people whenever we have a certain event to hang out. Or if I randomly happen upon someone while taking a bus. Otherwise I wouldn’t be seeing a lot of people.
In other news, motivation has seemingly hit an all time low. I've been hitting emotional ups and downs throughout the week, being angry for a moment, then trying to play X-mas songs on the piano. Anyways, I remember Vic saying during Dev's one acts back in high school how sometimes its just a feeling of the world against you. Thats the bottom line, and its very powerful. Perhaps you should know better, but that doesn't make you feel better. Which leads me to the movie Dodgeball. Vince Vaughn's character is going to skip out on a championship dodgeball game. He's feeling down in the dumps, and is the captain of his team. Rather than turning to his teammates, he takes the easy way out ("You may not know what $50 000 looks like in real life... it sorta looks like this..") and tries to catch a flight at the airport. While there, he meets up with none other than Lance Armstrong who despite facing multiple cancers manages to win the Tour de France a record 6th time in a row! "But hey, I'm sure you've got a good reason to quit."
Yeah, that had a lot more relevance in my head than how it appears. Anyways, bottom line for me is that its okay to feel down in the dumps, everyones been there. Just don't beat yourself up for feeling that way as well. We've got a good network of friends who are definitely willing to be a shoulder to lean on. That itself is a very reassuring thing. Thanks to those that you made that very clear a month ago.
Now to end off on a more positive note. What is your favourite Christmas carol? Mine is Winter Wonderland! If you don't have one, or don't even like Christmas... well I really don't know what to say to that.